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Monday, August 25, 2008

crappy joke early in the morning sbb otak aku dah sot..
These few days I tend to get crappier than i usually am. Probably due to the recent many squabbles among close kins, anguish and maybe just due to lack of sleep. So since this crappy brain has gone a little bit out of hand, it triggered a crazy joke i once heard when i was a teen.

..and if its a joke among teens 'bawah blok' of course the crazy joke is conversed in malay....(a lil broken malay at that.. cause its translated by yours truly..)


Ada 3 orang gadis yang memang muke jambu but tak pernah bersyukur dengan ape yang ade. Ketiga2 mereka ni ada perwatakan yang berbeza. Si Ani sangat periang dan manja tapi ngada2. Ana kuat mengelamun, malas kerja. Anu suka bergaya tapi mulut laser, suka maki hamun. Bila duduk2 bawah blok main guitar, ada satu mamat handsome ni lalu kat depan. Muka 100% sebijik macam laki aku, Luke Perry.

Dia ckp kat the three girls," eh korang tak tau ke, ada satu gua ajaib kat depan tu. kalau masok gua tu korang cakap je nama artiste ke ape ke, yang korang suke.pendek kata, masok gua, ckp nama artis tu keluar confirm muke sama...gua tak bedek lu..." sambil tunjuk kan ic yang tertera muke dia yang original..
Ketiga2 minah jambu tapi tak tau bersyukur tu pon.."WOW...aku pon nak..!!" terus meluru kelam kabut line up kat luar gua tu.

Ani first la. Dia pon pikir dulu. hmm... ok nak muka ayu mcm Siti la..terus dia pon masok sambil "Siti Nurhaliza".. keluar muke dia pon ayu la..mcm kak Siti..

Mamat hensem tu tepok tangan." hoorey.!! berjaya! lawa2!!" memang ternyata jambu habis la dia tu, kena dgn perwatakan dia.

Ana lak try. Dia pon pejam mata sambil bayangkan muka dia macam Angelina Jolie. Sekuat2 hati dia pon pekik la nama tu bila masok gua tu. Berjaya jua. Mereka pon tepok tangan keriangan.

Anu punya turn. Dia pon tak sabar jugak, sambil terlonjak2 kat luar gua tu.Kerana terlalu ghairah waktu masok dia pon tersungkur dan tak sengaja dia pon maki, "CiiiiiiiBAI!!" kuat pulak tu...

Rakan2 nya dia luar terdiam.... semua tak pasti apa akan terjadi.

Bila dia keluar aje...semua terkedu. Speechless tak tau nak ckp ape.

Moral of the story, kalau nak melatah, elakkan mengguna kata2 kesat....huhuhu.............

So mcm lagu PUSSYcat dolls,

"But be careful what you wish for
'Cause you just might get it
But you just might get it
But You just might get it ..."

~ { 6:02 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Friday, August 15, 2008

Aku ter-record suara hantu ke???!!
I soooooooooo wanna blog about this 2 nights ago, cos i always blog after midnight.But i dun have the guts to do it so i have to blog this in broad daylight. Penakut katakan...

These few days, ( and nights ) i always have these disturbances. Its like there are poltergeists around the house.
The best thing is, these 'gangguan' occured mostly in the daytime. And since, today i my kids are around the house, i can 'mengumpat' pasal 'hantu2' tu and get over and done with it.

That day around 2pm, i had a nap wif my baby ash. So when its time for me to get up, i just couldn't move myself up. its as though, something is pinning on me hard.
I could hear the background. I could hear Putri in the kitchen, taking something from the fridge. My eyes are wide open and i could see Ash beside me. My toes were wriggling weakly, trying to move my feet up. But i still couldn't move. When i tried to say some prayers, the ayat2 seemed to jumble up. And i finally managed to baca an ayat, which i can't remember what. I was automatically reciting those in my mind, as i strongly tried to push myself up. ( dat tym aku tido meniarap..) As i was doing dat, i felt the bed moved. I swear it moved!! Finally i sat up. Phew...berpeluh2..walaupon pada masa tu, kipas menala kat aku.

Putri came in and asked, " Ibu, apesal ade bunyik katil? " then i told her about what happend and she said she heard noises too. She thought she heard Zul playing with the chair but when she went to the room, Zul was asleep. Then she heard the bed and that was how she came into my room to know what was going on. Perhaps its just our imagination...

Ok... Lepas tu kan....

After performing the solat, i went to the hall to clean the house. And i heard, like budak2 main kejar. You know the flat footsteps yang kuat tu. But the sound were running towards me.

Aku maintain je. Then looked in the room to check my kids. Alamak...both dah sound asleep. Then i went back outside to continue wif what i was doin. This time the dribbling of marbles sound was exactly at the top of my head. Followed by a wheeling sound of my chair in my room. Aku maintain cool je, and just continued my chores and went to the kitchen next. Lagi bunyik budak2 nyer tapak kaki, running towards me. Then i went to the hall, sat down and stared into space. At that moment, i could feel a chill run swiftly up my back, causing the nape of my neck to tingle! Suddenly hair stood. I shuddered..Aku rilek je duduk jap, baca suratkhabar ( cey baca doa taknak eh..baca suratkhabar lak...) and avoided that perasaan seram sejuk.

THat night, i wanted to record lagu ROmey (Hellven) Instrumental Fallen Angel to transfer to my hp. Nak pakai lagu tu for my alarm clock. It was at around 3 am, i think.Baby Ash pulak couldnt sleep dat nite. Cranky and dd not want my breast milk. Instead he wanna play with the tissue wipes. So i just let him be, while i do my recording. As usual, no problems. TRansferin to my hp. No problem. Then i shut down the pc. Naik katil, peluk Ash who just managed to sleep soundly and played the music...

When i heard the intro, mcm lain mcm je..ada mcm growling sound, or rather growls, and sighs.entahlah...or mcm ade growl,calling my name, ZELLA... ( waaaa...my imagination running wild...!! I thought it sounded like it, LOL) But dengar lagi dua tiga kali.. terus tutup my face with a pillow, and try to get some sleep. I telll ya.. dat nite, ( or morning rather, ) i couldn't get to sleep. Macam2 images running in my head....

Today, aku record balik lagu Romey tu.. no problem. No growling sounds...

~ { 12:14 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's Tajul's Birthday!!

Lagu Khas Buat Tajul Ariffin

~ { 10:38 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Sunday, August 10, 2008

a home wrecking game that cud destroy your life...ARE YOU A LIAR?
The Moment Of Truth is a new game show hosted by Mark Walberg.i saw it last wednesday on Fox channel and i tell ya, it is really crazy.

Questions like:

Since you’ve been married, have you flirted with another man?
Would you cheat on your partner if you knew you wouldn't get caught?
Would you say that your partner is the most attractive person that you have ever dated?
Were you in love with an ex on your wedding day?
Would you dump your current spouse or partner if your ex wanted you back?
Have you ever had sexual relations with someone other than your partner while married?

All that to be answered truthfully in public, infront of your loved ones. Honest truth, and you will get your money, and maybe, lost your dignity.How its been played? Game show contestants are given a polygraph test and asked hard-hitting questions in front of a live audience in order to win a cash prize Only Americans are crazy enough to do such a game show, personally, to me, is not my cup of tea. Imagine if winner gets the money on a one truthful answer like, "have u ever had sex with another man after marrying your husband?" and she answered YES truthfully, how will the husband celebrate the $10,000, or $25,000 or even a $500,000 jackpot win? Hugs and say, congratulation wifey..! Thanks for that honesty now we are rich????!!!!

i really have no idea....

~ { 11:25 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;