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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

*speaker on
Was i over sensitif or it was just the lack of tact on the other side?

Has that other person lost the sense of humour or did i NOT get the joke?

And why, why , why , why , why is this attitude of comparing me to this person and that...???

Never mind this person is suddenly attacking on my nerves, never mind my sudden depression.

Adding to my misery is this stooooooooopid song, hanging on at the back of my mind.
Playing back macam rekod rosak, over and over again.

GRRRRR...!! Have you ever had this problem when a song just keeps playing no matter what you do, what u hear, what you seee, it just plays on and on, eventhough takde kena mengena wif ur life and u dun even have that song in ur MP3 , IPOD or have not heard it for a while But it lingers with yu.............!!! stresss aku! Banyak2 lagu, lagu Aziz Ahmad ni lak menyibuk, sik ulang-ulang jer!! Ape kenehe la sey...!!!!

Since this song has been driving me nuts this whole entire day today, i guess ill put this song up to explode my brain cells!Amek aku!

~ { 9:08 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Just so my lucky day today..

Just so my lucky day today.
We were actually taking our own sweet time cos we thought the transport will be late to fetch us. But as we were crossing the road, the bus stopped just in time for us to board it to the Republic Poly..phew..

It was such a loooooong tiring Mohamed Zulhilmi's Certificate Presentation (Annual Graduation Concert). It was held in Republic Polytechnic at the Agora Hall 1 (which could accomodate about 500 people, and looks like the Suntec Convection.
This is the first time i saw kids receiving their certificate without any applause. Ive been to a couple of Graduation/Certification Presentation, and this is the most 'lemau' one.ie the presentation part that is.Lol.

I was lucky to be seated with a young bunch of mothers yang kecoh, and we cliqued really well, eventhough we just met.

So i pakat with them to clap and cheered wen it's my son's turn. Lmfao..u could guessed how many heads turned to see us when they heard us cheering for Mohamed Zulhilmi and yea, at least dat made his day! Lucky you tau dapat ibu yang understanding like me ni. .hehehehe.. imagine receiving ur certs, takde org clap..ridiculous sak! I was not exaggerating la sey..no one clapped for their kids..not a single one! Except us clapping for my son la.Probably the rule was not to clap until the last kid receive the cert tak and i broke it? hehehe..cos they clapped only when the last kid received their cert
..lol. Luckily there were outsiders yang sudi memberi sorakan...kwang kwang
kwang...Thank you ladiess and ur men!! MUACKSS! Luckily i ni pon muke candi tak tau malu..tak kenal asal bole je suruh cheer kan anak

While waiting for events to start, Nash started merengek and i had to breastfeed him.i'm gla
d i was able to use the staff room for breastfeeding while waiting for my son's turn.
I thought they will turn out the lights like most concerts do when they start, but they never did, so i have to find somewhere else to bare my bosom..lol.Just my luck to ask the right staff, who turns out to be the supervisor and she showed me to the room...wah thanks arr..Alhamdulillah, selamat satu hal...phew...

Before the concert, i managed to order some of his pics during his rehearsal, and LUCKY i got enuff money, cos i didn't thought i brought enuff cash today cos we were late. Let's just say 'cukup2' je for the photos.

This Syasya then complained lapar pulak, and i thought y dun i go get the refreshments while waiting for the concert to begin. So Lucky again while queueing for refreshments there was - TADAAAAAAAA !!! NO QUEUE!! BEst kan?

The seatings as i expected was levelled , so all heads jadi macam ostrich, stretch sana, stretch sini, cos we can't really see during the concert.
I was a lil unlucky cos during the concert, the family which was seated in front of me was a sikh, so the 'tanjak' dahlah tinggi., dorang berdiri lagi..ish ish ish... So i pon started to stand at the side. Wah..terus ramai2 semua stand infront of me at the side jugak...walauweh...dis time really unlucky sket..dah la aku ni ketot..so i sat down and waited for my son's African dance.

LUCKILY when it was nearing my son's dance item, one family shifted, and we pon sat a
t their place.
And luckily dis time, the families at our front rows very 'kuai', duduk diam2..so we could see clearly. Enjoying his dance item to the last bit, of course he was the best dancer of all..hehehe.
Best part was i could see him dance his move every beat, ( when i nearly gave up hope, looking at the crowd in front ) He was amazing!

At the end of the show, we were all famished cos the event was from 11.45am-5.45pm...imagine we just had cakes and packet drinks je..LUCKY i had cereal for breakfast.But by the time they finished i was really hungry and when we tot of eating out skali we realised, aiyak..tak bawak cash! And since we followed the transport to the Polytechnic, we can't drive back home. (Cis, ingat two-way..sekali one-way je daaa...) So slowly we had to walk towards the bus interchange and took bus home. Luckily at home ada Mee Goreng semalam (last night my aunt and uncle wanna drop by for Hari Raya and i fried some noodles for them, lucky masak terlebih and i kept some), so apa lagi..fry balik panaskan, and eat ler...tak terbuang, anak beranak dah kelaparan, am too tired to cook anything, kalau order mau tunggu lagi
setengah jam..so bedal je la mee semalam...kah kah kah...

tomorrow will be another busy day. Open houses to attend, collection lagi..

Let's hope it'll be another lucky day for me...


~ { 7:33 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Friday, October 26, 2007

sekali2 blog macam pensyarah tak bersijil...


REKHA - Call 04-2292222 or any nearest Police Station for any information

Today when i read about a 10-year-old schoolgirl from Penang who failed to return home after going out to buy a VCD on Sunday night. Allahyarhamha Nurin's case is still fresh and unsolved and yet these parents are sooooo blooody careless of their children's safety! Even
stated in the paper that this particular schoolgirl usually goes out at night, with no problem coming back home safely.
You can't wait for things to happen to your child baru nak hentak kepala menyesal kan?
How can you let ur kid out at night, at a tender age,all by themself? With money to buy stuffs? At pasar malam lagi...haiz...Hasn't Nurin's terrible death taught them to be more cautious and aware that u can't trust the society now?
I tell ya, in this era, u cant even trust ur closed ones! Cos we read about how their grandfathers, step fathers, fathers or even brothers that dared to rape their flesh and blood!

So to all parents out there and even myself, we ha
to be extra careful and not take risks. Just 5 minutes leaving ur child unattended at home can even cause u misery all yur life if something untoward do happen to ur child. Dats
why we have to doa..
"Bismillahitawakkaltuallallahi..walahaulawalakuwatailabillahialila'zim.." before going out from ur houses , while sending them to school, or leaving them behind (with ur maid or whoever who is at home..) so that Allah will protect us and our children. We have to love our child to the fullest. Pity them (kasihani mereka) and be with them when they need us. Have yu ever wonder why the contents of doa for ibu bapa is as follows?

“Ya Tuhanku, ampunilah aku dan ibu bapaku, dan kasihanilah keduan
ya sebagaimana kedua-duanya mengasihaniku sewaktu kecil.”

Kerana Allah Maha Adil dan Bijaksana. It is how you treat your child when they were younger. How you love and care for them. How you pity them dan membelai mereka dengan santun dan lemah lembut.
That is why children doa as follows. Sebagaimana you treat your child with love when they were young, that is how Allah akan balas.
Kasihanilah kedua ibu bapa sebagaimana mereka mengasihaniku semasa aku masih kecil...so Allah will love and pity us, as much as how we love and take gud care of them while our kids are small and young. So kalau kita sambil lewa and did not even handle our own kids, mensia2kan anak, mendera anak2, mengabaikan mereka..this doa will not do us any goood in future.Doa anak yang soleh is what we need, sampai ke liang lahat, wallahualam.
so we gotta take gud care of our kids as long as they are still alive. Don't take things for granted.
I say this also to myself, reminding myself to always love them.

*Cherish them while they are still noisy and running around at home, as they will soon 'senyap' and lock themselves in their own room doing their own business when they reach their teens.

*Talk to them, and answer their continous curiosities as long as they trust yu and always have this motto "MUM IS ALWAYS RIGHT' , cos it will might soon be gone once they have their own bestfrens or even someone special.

*Cherish their existence and never annoyed at their constant disturbance, i know it will not be the same when they grow older.
Praise them when they achieve even the smallest achievements, stop looking at their shortcomings! Even i find it irritating if selalu kena kutuk..

*Get close to them and get to know them better cos kids change..before u knew it. And they no longer love to cling to yu, and slowly drift apart.What's worst, if yu feel dat you dun even know them!

Cherish them before they Perish!!!

enuff said.
Macam pensyarah tak bersijil je..

~ { 6:05 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Picha Pie and Mr Suave is the first two songs that made me love this band..
*On Your Speaker

..well cos Picha Pie dulu play in clubs jugak and Parokya Ni Edgar is a Filipino band that is famous and most lauded for its original rock novelty songs.Often satirical covers of famous songs. With several in the music scene, it has transcended musical genres, varying styles from one to another - alternative rock to pop rock, funk to rapcore, and so on without leaving behind its trademark style of providing comic relief to their listeners. I think something like the band Project Pop from Indonesia. One song of course that is really comical is Ordertaker f
rom PNE's "Halina Sa Parokya" album.

A little bit about this song.

The Ordertaker is a single by Filipino Novelty Rock band Parokya ni Edgar. It features Kamikazee. It is a spoof of "Chop Suey!" and "Toxicity" by System of a Down. The melody is almost identical to that of Chop Suey!. They took the intro from Toxicity.The song tells of a man who cannot order at a restaurant because he has no menu, and proceeds to list all of the different foods he would like to eat. The Ordertaker is a parody name of WWE Wrestler The Undertaker.

If u like to watch them on YouTube, here is the link

~ { 7:50 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

beauty of numbers
i curik' dis article from a multipler contact of mine..

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Brilliant, isn't it?

And look at this symmetry:

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111= 12345678987654321

Now, take a look at this...


From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:

What Equals 100%? What does it mean to give MORE
than 100%?

Ever wonder about those people who say they are
giving more than 100%?

We have all been in situations where someone wants
you to GIVE OVER 100%.

How about ACHIEVING 101%?

What equals 100% in life?

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help
answer these questions:



Is represented as:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26.


H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K

8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%



11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%



1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:


12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101%

Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical
certainty that:

While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close,
and Attitude will get you there, It's the Love of God that will put
you over the top!

It's up to you if you share this with your friends &
loved ones just the way I did.

kudos to:

~ { 7:30 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Friday, October 12, 2007

Selamat Hari-Hari...
This blog is gonna be a long one..
Well, it seems like most of my closed friends and loved ones aren't excited, not looking forward to Hari Raya. Macam hari-hari...
For some, its still work round the clock..for segelintir i know, ada yang tak berpuasa, walaupon syaitan dah diikat, they still buat perkara terkutuk, macam hari-hari biasa, minum..pangking..so hari raya macam hari-hari..

As for me, as much as i dun quite feel the hype of raya, or the mood for celebration, i still have to live it up for my kids yang bertungkus-lumus berpuasa sebulan. They have gone through the 'onak and duri' of waking up in the seprtiga malam for sahur, they had to pray as much as possible, tahan lapar, tahan kerenah me and my hubby bila bershopping di Geylang...they had to drag themselves to follow us sampai muka naik toya, kaki naik lesu, but still - with no complains! As for Syasya, an extra load of tiredness cos she had to study for her exams. I guess if u have kids their age, we have to show some enthiusiasm. I know my house is not furnished with new curtains, macam hari-hari..cos i dun see the need to change. I dun think anyone wud notice cos they look brand new..(to me dat is.huhuhu), my kitchen tak berasap cos my hubby doesnt like me to mess up the kitchen and i wonder why..

In dat case, the kitchen is free from bau2 freshly baked Raya cookies, or lauk pauk hari raya. Just macam hari-hari..

Whatever it is i missed the times when i received HAri Raya cards, and of course sending them. Lepas tu gantung kat dinding. I still do recieve cards tho..but from companies..(bluek..)

I just hate raya greetings via sms cos its not original, and its irritating sometimes when u get the same ones over and over again. Adat mengirim ucapan is all highly tech, due to masa yang berjalan dgn pantas skrg. Imagine kalau takde sms or video confrencing, other than sibuk nak buat kuih raya, mengemas or membeli belah, kena duduk tulis kad raya..kena beli setem..carik kad camggih2..address mau ada..wakakakaka... well, wonder how come dulu macm byk masa gitu..probably the time berdetik dengan lebih lambat..

Im curious how my baby Nashrullah punya generation send their greetings to each other. Probably they dun even celebrate Raya???? Hopefully i'm wrong, but it looks like its gonna be the case if we the adults dun live up the spirit of Ramadhan and Syawal. Takut akan menjadi satu 'adat' and not a kemestian untuk berpuasa dan berhari raya.. Because really, time flies too fast, they cant afford to waste it on remeh temeh stuffs like berbelanja raya..or maybe they lost the menu for lauk rendang..

One thing for sure, the best moments for raya is, memang every year, masyarakat bukan Islam suka bila tiba Hari Raya because they get to see colouful people on the streets. Red, orange, purple, white..yang tak puasa pon sebulan rounding.Ramai-ramai..ada dalam kereta sewa, kereta beli kat geylang yang 0 downpayment..(huhuhu), atas lori..van, teksi..raya sakan..rounding sampai pagi..sadly even if their kids are having exams..

oklah..enuff of my blabbering

Selamat Hari Raya to all muslimin and muslimat Multipliers and non- multipliers yang suka blog-hop..Hopefully you guys ceria menyambut hari raya, walaupon terasa semakin tak seceria seperti dulu2..peniaga2 yang tak ceria bisness raya, no worries next yr ada lagi InsyaAllah..buat yang baru kehilangan orang tersayang di lebaran, usah bersedih, kita semua akan menghadap yang Esa jua..so bersedekahkan doalah, dan beramal utk masa kita pula, utk yang tak berkemampuan, its ok..raya ni sekejap je... besok2 dah macam hari-hari biasa..tak payah nak buang duit just to memperaga2..hutang2 bayar abis dulu sebelum nak belanja2..untuk yang terputus silaturrahim..buanglah ego tu..
dan yang tak puasa tu..insyaallah, Allah akan membuka hati kalian utk berpuasa di tahun hadapan jika kesampaian..so tahun ni, buat lah macam hari-hari biasa je..Selamat Hari-Hari la untuk korang ye..!

~ { 5:25 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Friday, October 05, 2007

kalau duit hantaran ada market price..

..erk..duit zakat hari raya ada market price ke???

bukannya sengkek ler..just wondering je..lepas terdengar kat radio ria tadi. Standard dua ketol for the
ones yang we tak kenal sangat. Yang lebih dekat, about 5 or 10 bucks..

Whatever it is, bab zakat2 ni its up to the kemampuan and keikhlasan. Jangan sampai gi umah orang tu and kira profit and loss. You know..when u have 3 kids and the other party has 6 kids. You start calculating ur loss...Lmfao!!

Ada pulak ikut resmi " datang rumah ye kalau nak collection!!", so the kids die-die must go ur house for the zakat.

For me mcm tak kesian gitu. Dah ada depan mata..nak suruh dia tunggu giliran dtg umah kita pulak...ish ish ish.. Tapi kan..the parents pulak lain crite. Kalau we dah kasi duit zakat, surely nama kita kena potong dalam listings kunjung-mengunjung..

manusia punya ragam....

Whatever it is..sumbanglah mengikut kemampuan..and kalau bole, kalau nak berzakat, janganlah ada sifat menunjuk2 atau berkira. Yang ada anak2 tu, elakkan lah dari mengajar mereka untuk menghulur tangan dan meminta2. Kalau nak minta dengan saudara yang dekat atau nenek atok tu 'cute' la..ta
pi janganlah ajar mereka untuk meminta dengan orang luar. Not nice..

Tapi its gonna be fun if u see lots of kids, especially time rumah tu pack ramai orang.. Even if they pusing2 rounding, salam tuan rumah byk kali..we dun even know if budak tu dah dpt duit zakat ke belom...buat muke blur-cute je..sure
dapat lagi...Rezeki katakan...

PS: Teringat dulu time kat umah my mom, ada kawan my mother datang. She kasi i duit raya pulak..kwang kwang kwang...member tak tau kita dah beranak pinak almaklum..badan slim and small..kah kah kah..rezeki la tu...(ish tak malu sak!)

~ { 1:03 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Monday, October 01, 2007

Harley Palangchao...

Sekali pandang memang macho these sarawakians' pose atas motor Harley palangchao..dua kali pandang macam Flinstones pulak ekkk....

Rempit bro..jangan tak rempit...Mat Rempit Flinstones on the way.....!!
For the love of mother nature, if u scrutinise this motor Harley Palangchao ni, ia nya sebuah ciptaan yang mesra alam. Tiada penggunaan bahan bakar dan sungguh menjimatkan. Kalau ada kesempatan ke Sarawak bole la singgah ke Warong Setarbak sekali...

~ { 5:25 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

jom gi SETARBAK!
wak..SETARBAK kopi satu wak..!!!!!!!!! Erk...Green Tea Latte ade tak wak??

~ { 5:03 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Fadhilat Solat Terawih Adalah Palsu??
I have my own family site and my cousin put up this Fadhilat Solat Terawih thingy..u know this one..

Malam 1 : keluar dosa-dosa orang mukmin pada malam pertama sepertimana ia baru dilahirkan, mendapat keampunan dari Allah.

Malam 2 : diampunkan dosa-dosa orang mukmin yang sembahyang terawih serta kedua ibubapanya (sekiranya mereka orang beriman).

Malam 3 : berseru Malaikat di bawah ‘Arasy supaya kami meneruskan sembahyang terawih terus menerus semoga Allah mengampunkan dosa engkau.

Malam 4 : memperolehi pahala ia sebagaimana pahala orang-orang yang membaca kitab-kitab Taurat, Zabur, Injil dan Al-Quran.

Malam 5 : Allah kurniakan baginya pahala seumpama orang sembahyang di Masjidilharam, Masjid Madinah dan Masjidil Aqsa.

....so on and so forth...

then a Mufti from Jabatan Terengganu gave a comment. Its a bit long but it could be something useful for you yang free takde keje baca blog tu..to read and ponder a lil.. here is what he said...(lemme colour his fonts to make it 'readable..')


Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Penyayang. Puji-pujian bagi Allah Subhanahu wata’ala, selawat dan salam keatas junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad Sallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam serta para sahabatnya.

Sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini satu hadis tentang kelebihan tarawikh pada malam-malam ramadhan telah tersebar dengan meluas sekali. Media-media elektronik,media-media cetak serta media-media massa turut sama memainkan peranan mereka menyebarkannya melalui akhbar-akhbar, dairi-dairi Islam, TV, radio, risalah-risalah dan lain-lain dengan harapan semoga mereka mendapat saham dalam usaha menggalakkan umat Islam supaya rajin beramal ibadat terutamanya dalam bulan yang diberkati itu.
Hadis yang dimaksudkan itu ialah satu hadis yang agak panjang kononnya diriwayatkan oleh Sayyidina Ali r.a. yang sebahagian darinya adalah seperti berikut : “Diriwayatkan oleh Sayyidina Ali bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda berkenaan dengan fadhilat sembahyang tarawih pada bulan Ramadhan antaranya:
· Malam Pertama: Keluar dosa-dosa orang mukmin pada malam pertama seperti mana dia baru dilahirkan (mendapat keampunan dari Allah Taala).
· Malam Keempat: Mendapat pahala sebagaimana pahala orang-orang yang membaca kitab Taurat, Zabur, Injil dan Al-Quran.
· Malam Keenam: Allah kurniakan pahala kepadanya pahala malaikat-malaikat yang tawaf di Baitul-Ma`mur (sebanyak 70 ribu malaikat sekali tawaf), serta setiap batu-batu dan tanah akan mendoakan supaya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang tarawih pada malam ini.
· Malam Ketujuh: Seolah-olah dia dapat bertemu serta menolong Nabi Musa A.S. menentang musuh ketatnya Firaun dan Haman.
· Malam Kelapan: Allah mengurniakan pahala orang sembahyang tarawih sepertimana yang telah dikurniakan kepada Nabi Ibrahim A.S.

· Malam kesembilan: Allah kurniakan pahala dan dinaikkan mutu ibadat hambanya seperti Nabi Muhammad S.A.W..
· Dan kelebihan-kelebihan seterusnya sehingga sampai kemalam yang ke-tiga puluh

Namun begitu setelah diajukan pertanyaan kepada beberapa tokoh agama tanahair tentang kedudukan hadis ini, dari manakah ianya diambil, semuanya tidak dapat memberikan penjelasan. Dan setelah diteliti dalam kitab induk hadis seperti Sunan Sittah dan lain-lain kitab hadis lagi, ianya tidak ditemui. Begitu juga dalam kitab-kitab hadis palsu (maudhu`aat) sendiri pun tidak didapati hadis ini. Ini menunjukkan bahawa hadis ini merupakan satu hadis yang baru diada-adakan sehingga ulama-ulama hadis dahulu yang menulis tentang hadis maudhu` pun tidak mengetahui akan wujudnya hadis ini.

Kita tidak menafikan kelebihan sembahyang tarawih dan kedudukannya didalam sunnah. Namun begitu kita tidak mahu umat Islam tertipu dengan berbagai-bagai janji palsu yang menyebabkan umat Islam mengerjakan amalan-amalan kebaikan dengan mengharapkan sesuatu yang sebenarnya tidak akan diperolehinya. Dengan tersebarnya hadis-hadis palsu seumpama ini juga akan mencemarkan kesucian hadis Rasulullah s.a.w. yang dipelihara dengan dengan begitu baik oleh ulama-ulama kita dahulu.

Rasulullah S.A.W. telah pun memberikan amaran terhadap orang-orang yang mengadakan pendustaan atas namanya dengan ancaman yang berat sebagaimana sabdanya : Barang siapa sengaja mengadakan dusta atas namaku maka hendaklah dia menyediakan tempatnya dalam neraka. (Bukhori, Muslim)
Hadis ini diriwayatkan dengan banyak sekali sehingga sampai keperingkat Mutawatir. Ancaman ini merangkumi segala jenis pendustaan keatas Nabi S.A.W. sama ada dengan maksud memberi galakan supaya rajin beramal ibadat ataupun ancaman supaya menjauhi segala larangan Allah (targhib dan tarhib).
Mulla Ali Qari dalam Al-Asrarul-Marfu’ah selepas membawakan lebih dari seratus riwayat hadis tentang pendustaan atas nama Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. menukilkan kata-kata Imam Nawawi dalam syarah Muslim. Kata Imam Nawawi: Haram meriwayatkan sesuatu hadis palsu (maudhu`) bagi orang yang mengetahui bahawa hadis itu maudhu` atau dia hanya menyangka hadis ini maudhu`. Siapa yang menceritakan hadis yang dia tahu atau dia sangka bahawa ianya maudhu` serta dia tidak menerangkan keadaannya maka dia termasuk dalam ancaman ini. Katanya lagi, tidak ada perbezaan dalam pengharaman pendustaan atas Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. di antara hadis tentang hukum-hukum dan hadis yang bukan berkenaan dengan hukum seperti hadis yang mengandungi dorongan serta galakan beramal ibadat, hadis-hadis nasihat dan lain-lain. Semuanya haram termasuk dalam sebesar-besar dosa dan sejelek-jelek perkara dengan ijmak ulamak Islam… seterusnya dia berkata: Ulama-ulama telah pun sepakat tentang haram berdusta atas nama orang-orang biasa. Bagaimana pula dengan orang yang kata-katanya adalah syariat, kalamnya adalah wahyu dan berdusta atasnya adalah pendustaan atas Allah juga. Fiman Allah bermaksud: Tidaklah dia mengucapkan mengikut kemahuan hawa nafsunya. Apa yang diucapkan tidak lain melainkan wahyu yang diwahyukan. (An-Najm: 3-4).
Di dalam hadis tersebut nampaknya ada galakan supaya umat Islam rajin untuk melakukan amalan terawih dalam bulan Ramadhan seperti mana kita sering dapati hadis ancaman terhadap orang yang meninggalkan sembahyang yang mana sebenarnya hadis itu pun telah di reka atas nama nabi Muhammad S.A.W. seperti contoh satu hadis yang sebahagian darinya berbunyi: Jika seseorang itu meninggalkan sembahyang zohor dosanya adalah seperti dia berzina dengan ibunya sendiri.Jika dia meninggalkan sembahyang sembahyang asar dosanya adalah seperti meruntuhkan kaa’bah..
Adakah tidak cukup dengan janji ganjaran dari Allah bagi orang yang menghidupkan malam Ramadhan yang terdapat dalam kitab hadis shahih contohnya hadis yang bermaksud: Sesiapa yang menghidupkan malam ramadhan dengan penuh keimanan dan mengharapkan ganjaran dari Allah diampunkan dosa-dosanya yang lalu. (Al-Bukhari)
Dan adakah tidak cukup dengan ancaman terhadap orang yang meninggalkan sembahyang yang terdapat dalam al-Quran antaranya firman Allah yang bermaksud: Apakah yang menyebabkan kamu dimasukkan kedalam neraka saqar? Mereka menjawab: Kami dahulu termasuk orang yang tidak mengerjakan sembahyang. (Al-Muddatsir)
Sebenarnya bagi mereka yang suka menghidupkan malam Ramadhan tidak mesti dengan adanya hadis rekaan yang seperti ini mereka akan bersungguh-sungguh dalam menghidupkan amalan tarawih ini. Dan orang yang malas bersembahyang bawalah hadis yang bagaimana teruk sekalipun siksaannya namun mereka tetap tidak mahu mengerjakannya.
Diantara ciri-ciri hadis maudhu` (rekaan) dari segi zahirnya selain dari meneliti sanad perawinya ialah
1. Kelebihan yang disebutkan menyamai atau mengatasi kelebihan yang terdapat pada para sahabat nabi kita Muhammad S.A.W. atau orang yang berjuang bersama dengan nabi-nabi yang lain apatah lagi untuk menyamai atau mengatasi kedudukan nabi-nabi kerana umat yang datang kemudian walaupun setinggi-tinggi wali sekalipun tidak akan dapat mengatasi atau menyamai kedudukan sekecil-kecil sahabat apatah lagi untuk menyamai kedudukan seorang nabi.
2. Kelebihan yang terdapat didalamnya tidak sepadan dengan amalan yang dilakukan dimana ia menyalahi apa yang terdapat dalam syariat sebagaimana tersebut dalam Al-Qur’an dan hadis-hadis shohih.
3. Kandungannya serta ertinya rapuh, tidak menyerupai kalam Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dan lafaznya tidak sesuai keluar dari mulut Nabi sepertimana yang terdapat dalam hadis-hadis shohih.
4. Didalam setengah risalah yang terdapat hadis ini, ianya dimulai dengan “Ya Ali” sedangkan ulama-ulama hadis telah mengatakan bahawa hadis-hadis yang dimulai dengan kata-kata ini hanya dua atau tiga sahaja yang shohih.Yang lainnya adalah palsu.
Oleh itu umat Islam sekalian terutamanya pihak-pihak berkenaan seperti institusi-institusi agama diperingkat negeri dan pusat sepatutnya prihatin terhadap perkara seperti ini demi menjaga kesucian hadis Rasul yang menjadi pegangan kedua Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah.Umat Islam janganlah mudah tertipu dengan diayah-diayah palsu yang dikaitkan dengan Rasulullah sedangkan ianya tidak ada hubungan langsung dengan Rasulullah s.a.w. Janganlah sampai masyarakat kita melakukan sesuatu amalan dengan harapan akan mendapat pahala sedangkan sebaliknya dosa besar pula yang diperolehi dengan menyebarkan dan seterusnya beramal dengan hadis-hadis palsu seperti ini.


Jab. Mufti N. Terengganu, Tingkat 1, Kompleks Seri Iman,
Kuala Terengganu 21100
Tel : 09-6252525 ext. | Fax : 09-6235411
Email : mufti_terengganu@hotmail.com

Hm..... to me kan..kita terima apa yang baik dan tolak yang batil, dan buat amalan dengan ikhlas. Walaupon memang very the susah...

~ { 4:51 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;