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Saturday, September 29, 2007

I know its the Ramadhan and shouldn't ill-talk about stuffs, but..
....WHY oh why do i always get this remarks from parents in the neighbourhood when they saw me carrying my baby..?!

PARENT 1:"wah..so cute..cepat nye dia besar ekkk..." <<<like duh..!!!

PARENT 1:"betul tu..memang penat layan kerenah budak2 kalau dah besar ni..lari sana lari sini..!! tak tau diam!"<<ish dulu baby dia belom tau lari tak sabar2 nak tgk dia jalan..now her kids can lari suh dok diam2 ke???
PARENT 2"tu la..mcm ni kan best je..tak yah besar..kalau dah besar susah !! penat layan. kecik gini je sudah..jangan besar..cute

Parents out there
.!!!.is dat how u felt when you were raising your kids???? Especially the makciks-makciks sey..they simply blurt out their hatreds towards their kids..Its so damn fishing irritating. How can you simply assume that babies..ALL babies grow up to be a pain or menyusahkan? How can a parent EVEN feel that?? Its sooo wrong! i wanted to argue, but instead i do it in a diplomatic way..

ME: "Insyaallah..anak saya tak degil..." smile sheepishly then i excused myself to make a move..Phew...!!!

~ { 8:26 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Entirely copied this entry from a multiply contact mine Syairah

An Indian discovered that nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the
computer which can be named as "CON". This is something pretty cool...and

unbelievable... At Microsoft the whole Team, couldn't answer why this

For those of you using Windows, do the following:

1.) Open an empty notepad file
2.) Type "Bush hid the facts" (without the quotes)
3.) Save it as whatever you want..
4.) Close it, and re-open it.

is it just a really weird bug? :-??

Microsoft¡¯s crazy facts

This is something pretty cool and neat...and unbelievable... At Microsoft
the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn't answer why this happened!

It was discovered by a Brazilian.. Try it out yourself...

Open Microsoft Word and type

=rand (200, 99)

And then press ENTER
then see the magic................................

~ { 6:09 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Monday, September 24, 2007

Mood Perasan Syiok Sendirik..
I sang this a couple of weeks ago while i'm suffering from insomnia. Thought of uploading this for keeps here as part of my blog before i trash this 'single' in the recycle bin. Did a duet with Mandy Moore..huhuhu (yang serak suara pagi tu gua la kalau bole cam..) Anyway, this is a ciplak version of payung from me..wakakakaka..

~may flag this post as spam if found to be appropriately 'sumbang'..:p~

~ { 9:49 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Rock dulu dan Sekarang...
Anugerah Era 2007 baru saja berlangsung and i must say that the best performance that nite was of course Kristal's Memburu Impian. Budak2 kristal ni (so far i perhatikan) memang terrer main live.After watching Kristal performing, then reviving Malex's performance on stage during the APM, i realized that isu rambut panjang dah long forgotten. Its ashame really to even have that kinda issue.(especially when i always have a thing about men with long hair..no wonder why i got attached to Sham cos i dated him when he wore his hair long, lmao!)

Kumpulan Blackrose
Kumpulan Blackrose

I remembered issue pengharaman rockers berambut panjang ni muncul bila musik rok semakin popular . Especially bila mostly bands in Juara Lagu 1991. Probably to make Rocker's nyer life difficult, they made a ridiculous demand to cut of their hair!! Rockers with short spunky hairdo?? Oh puh-lease!!
Thus after the 90's band2 rock hebat dan ganas but berpotensi besar seperti SYJ, Search dan Wings kurang promosi di radio atau TV berikutan isu rambut panjang yang makin memuncak. What a shame cos i think that might be the real reason pupus dan hilang la Wings dan Awie dan lahirlah'Ah Wee' sebagai pelakon cerita Sembilu..haru....So terlahirlah lebih banyak rock balada seprti Spin, Spoon, Scoin "Spunk", Spring, "Spang",Stings..dan SS sewaktu dengannya. Probably with Gersang as their sifu..Lmao. Lagu2 Rock semakin slow and sopan. But at least in Juara Lagu 1991, Rock conquers.

Pada tahun itu persaingan rata-rata semua dikalangan kumpulan-kumpulan muzik rock. Kumpulan yang layak bertanding di peringkat akhir adalah
Dinamik, Masa Scarecrow, Black Rose, Laksamana, Damasutra, Olan, Kris dan Mega. cuma 3 orang sahaja artis solo yang layak pada malam itu. 3 orang itu juga dari genre muzik rock iaitu Hattan, Ella dan Shima. ternyata ROCK menguasai pertandingan JUARA LAGU 1991 pada malam itu. Pertandingan telah dilangsungkan di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) pada penghujung bulan Disember, 1991.

Kumpulan Mega

Keputusan JUARA LAGU pada malam itu.
JUARA LAGU: Takdir Dan Waktu - Mega (Rahim Othman/Juwie)

Kedua: Setelah Aku Kau Miliki - Shima (Saari Amri/Azida NS)
Ketiga: Tiara - Kris (M Nasir/M Nasir)

Persembahan terbaik pula dimenangi oleh Shima. Tempat kedua diraih oleh kumpulan Damasutra diikuti oleh kumpulan Kris di tempat ketiga.

Rata-rata ramai yang mengatakan inilah pertandingan JUARA LAGU paling sengit dalam sejarahnya. After that format pertandingan telah diubah dengan wujudnya kategori-kategori bagi setiap pencalonan lagu dan format tersebut kekal hingga ke hari ini.Includes Etnik..(geez..!)

But of course, since isu rambut dikuatkuasa, banyak Rockers buat persembahan dengan rambut smart. I remembered penyanyi Scarecrow, sleek back comb.Baju smart, berjacket.Mostly of course spotted with a bandana.

Kumpulan Dinamik

Look at now..times had changed and the society could accept hard rock performance to be aired on TV. Probably some otai rockers mesti felt it was unfair for them in the beginning. Time dulu muda2 tak bole beraksi pasal imej rok yang tercemar dan isu rambut. So dah tua2 ni terpaksa la buat comeback. Dah berumur ni terpaksa la calling2 geng lama2 to reconcile to promote and remake their album.huhuhu....Buat VCD Karaoke pon jadi...

~ { 10:58 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Monday, September 17, 2007

Terasa Jauh...

Hari ini bulan Ramadhan..yang ke berapa pun me seperti tak rasakannya..kenapa????!!!

Dari bulan Rejab lagi, hati ini seperti tidak dibuka untuk melakukan ibadat2 lebihan untuk persiapan bulan yang mulia.Terasa bulan itu terabai begitu saja..Ingat nak puasa bulan tu.Me tunda punya tunda..

Bulan syaaban tiba...i thought i wanna do some good, berbuat amal or at least mengingati Allah. So, berkobar2lah nak membaca yassin untuk malam nisfu syaaban. Tengok date..alamak...dah 21 syaaban...miss lak...haiz...

Kini dah bulan Ramadhan..

WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE AT 1.59am?? (okay eventhough my blog date is and time is kinda salah..well it IS 2.01 am now as im typing the word NOW..) Bukankah lebih afdal bertadarus or solat sunat since i'm awake..Apasal liat sangat ni?? Ni sibuk compile2 lagu2 ciplak ada lah..bukannya nak semak Quran ke..AAARGGHHH....!!!This is bulan Ramadhan , and i shud know better than to merapu in here..i should be trying hard to do good, minta ampun kepada yang Esa..mengumpul pahala, mana tau next Ramadhan tak jumpa lagi..

Ya Allah..dah tertutup ke hati ku ni? Apasal dari bulan Rejab, ke Syaaban, and now, Ramadhan, macam tak rasa bende je ni..

.terasa jauhh je..

dah tak rasa syahdu berpuasa..dah tak rasa indah beribadat..nak buat yang sunat macam malas..wonder if ill miss Ramadhan like i used to...damn i'm not even looking forward to Syawal sey..

WHAT's Wrong With Me sey...

Semakin terasa jauh..

I think i better log out.


~ { 10:13 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Brutal Nursery Rhyme

Hush-a-bye, baby,
in the tree top.
When the wind blows,
the cradle will rock.
When the bough breaks,
the cradle will fall,
And down will come baby,
cradle and all.

One read to this tune no one notice how dangerous this nursery rhyme is. It has a deeper meaning actually. Gila kan if u put your baby in the tree top, biarkan angin sepoi2 bahasa tiup..let the cradle rock..tunggu bough the pecah and then let the cradle fall, of course with the baby!

Check out the history then..

Best historical records show a young pilgrim wrote this rhyme after seeing how Indians hung their infants on tree branches.(eeekkkk...!!!) This is thought to be the first poem created on American soil.

The anonymous author of this nursery rhyme may have written this rhyme as a warning to those who strive to climb so high they eventually fall.

So now we learn..

~ { 9:31 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

16 Sept? What's Your Secret?
Today is 16 Sept and it's my lovely daughter, Putri Syazana's and my dearest son, Mohamed Zulhilmi's birthay, as well as my bestest friend Nazlina aka Mawar.(and not forgetting, Mr Mantan Lee Kuan Yew's birthday too..)

People ask me, when you 'make' it happen or what to do to 'make' them share the same dates?

Let me share you my secret

1) Good Timing

2) Eat lots of chocolates

3) Change your bedsheets twice a daty

4) Have potato chips interval during intercourse

5) Stop asking me ridiculous questions and do not believe all of the above

Its God's will la dey..

Anyway, here's wishing them both a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

To Putri:

you've been such a wonderful girl.i could confide in you anytime, even as a baby i've always confided in you and you;ve been a great listener.You are my partner in crime, you always understands and has been a helpful lil gal.The best of all, You are my bestest buddy and i love yu! I hope yu stay cheerful and happy on this birthday!

To Zul iim..

You are such a smart fast learner, teaching and playing with you is a joy, really. Even with all the funny2 noises you make, life is dull without you. You love dancing and singing, so you have always been my penglipur lara.Wishing you the happiest birthday today too, stay cute and funny always. i love you!

~ { 9:19 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

16 Sept? What's Your Secret?
Today is 16 Sept and it's my lovely daughter, Putri Syazana's and my dearest son, Mohamed Zulhilmi's birthay, as well as my bestest friend Nazlina aka Mawar.(and not forgetting, Mr Mantan Lee Kuan Yew's birthday too..)

People ask me, when you 'make' it happen or what to do to 'make' them share the same dates?

Let me share you my secret

1) Good Timing

2) Eat lots of chocolates

3) Change your bedsheets twice a daty

4) Have potato chips interval during intercourse

5) Stop asking me ridiculous questions and do not believe all of the above

Its God's will la dey..

Anyway, here's wishing them both a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

To Putri:

you've been such a wonderful girl.i could confide in you anytime, even as a baby i've always confided in you and you;ve been a great listener.You are my partner in crime, you always understands and has been a helpful lil gal.The best of all, You are my bestest buddy and i love yu! I hope yu stay cheerful and happy on this birthday!

To Zul iim..

You are such a smart fast learner, teaching and playing with you is a joy, really. Even with all the funny2 noises you make, life is dull without you. You love dancing and singing, so you have always been my penglipur lara.Wishing you the happiest birthday today too, stay cute and funny always. i love you!

~ { 9:17 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Friday, September 14, 2007

Still We Are Lucky...

REsting On CiPLaK IssuEs..(phew....for some..)

Its the holy month and im not suppose to complain..but really my head is damn heavy..i felt cold, yet i'm perspiring, my sinus is acting up, and i have spills of mucus like tap water running down..my eyes are strainin in pain..my nose..my head..i feel damn sick!

However sick, i know i'm lucky to be here. At least we have the best doctors,i have the money to spend on drugs to simmer all down.And when i see how our neighbours have to cope with living in fear of Tsunami and earthquakes in this holy month, i can't complain. When i see how the kids are suffering, they don't have supplies of good food and medic, still here we are lucky.

And when they suffer tje aftershocks, when they feel that their buildings are about to collapse, and some hit them and got them killed..they ran, they evacuate..But here in Singapore..still we are lucky, some of us could blog it, we could video the experience, cos we are sure that our buildings are safe. we need not be afraid..

How lucky...ALhamdulillah..

~ { 11:20 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Monday, September 03, 2007

PC Maintenance..
zellazalea will be away and will not be online for awhile..

by Hatreziee

~ { 5:36 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;