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Wednesday, August 22, 2007


haha..maybe ada yang dah tau pasal ni..but i still find dis people damn bloody kewl..! Creative and humourous..Anyways..

Do You Ever Wonder How The Mouse Works? Really You Should Find That Out By Clicking On This.. Click It Try it ...!!

~ { 5:48 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Pluto Is No Longer A Planet

My son who is Kindergarten 2 came home yesterday telling me that Pluto is dead. " We are left with 8 planets only ibu..Pluto dah mati dah..dah explode..!!" I was scpetical at first and asked what he meant by that? I told him there are 9 planets altogether and showed him the book. But curiousity gets to my head, cos maybe he is right. Maybe i was 'tertinggal ke belakang.." and was i right!

When i checked the internet, how true. Only Pluto did not explode like what my son said, but it just disappeared from sight cos it is too small to be called a planet.

So OFFICIALLY, Pluto is no longer a planet and OFFICIALLY there will only be eight planets in the solar system.


Pluto's day: 6.4 Earth days.
Pluto's year: 248 Earth years.
Average distance from sun: 3.7 billion miles, or 5.9 billion kilometers.
What's in a name? Pluto is also the name of the Roman god of the underworld. It was suggested by many

"Pluto is dead," said Mike Brown, a planetary scientist at the California Institute of Technology who spoke with reporters via a teleconference while monitoring the vote. The decision also means a Pluto-sized object that Brown discovered will not be called a planet. The vote involved just 424 astronomers who remained for the last day of a meeting of the International Astronomical Union in Prague. It was updated 10.35 pm August 24 2006. Hm...nampak sah me tak dgr loceng hahaha..lucky my son was attentive in class..

Anway, Alan Stern, leader of NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto and a scientist at the Southwest Research Institute.ditukil sebagai berkata, "I'm embarrassed for astronomy. Less than 5 percent of the world's astronomers voted," he said."This definition stinks, for technical reasons," Stern told Space.com. He expects the astronomy community to overturn the decision. Other astronomers criticized the definition as ambiguous.

So the resolution will be as follows:
The decision establishes three main categories of objects in our solar system.

  • Planets: The eight worlds starting with Mercury and moving out to Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
  • Dwarf planets: Pluto and any other round object that "has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit, and is not a satellite."
  • Small solar system bodies: All other objects orbiting the sun.

Pluto and its moon Charon, which would both have been planets now get demoted because they are part of a sea of other objects that occupy the same region of space. Earth and the other eight large planets have, on the other hand, cleared broad swaths of space of any other large objects.

So Pluto is now called a dwarf planet...but dwarf planets are not planets under the definition, however. So..Pluto is no longer a planet maa....

"There will be hundreds of dwarf planets," Brown predicted. He has already found dozens that fit the category.

Pluto, discovered in 1930 was at first thought to be larger than it is. Recent discoveries of other round, icy object in Pluto's realm have led most astronomers to agree that the diminutive world should never have been termed a planet. Kesian...

Tapi Stern called it "absurd" "It's a farce." sebab only 424 astronomers were allowed to vote, out of about 10,000 professional astronomers around the globe. So he said it won't stand. So some astronomers are already circulating a petition that would try to overturn the IAU decision.

Owen Gingerich, historian and astronomer emeritus at Harvard who led the committee that proposed the initial definition, called the new definition "confusing and unfortunate" and said he was "not at all pleased" with the language about clearing the neighborhood.

Gingerich also did not like the term "dwarf" planet.

"I thought that it made a curious linguistic contradiction," Gingerich said during a telephone interview from Boston (where he could not vote). "A dwarf planet is not a planet. I thought that was very awkward."

Gingerich added: "In the future, one would hope the IAU could do electronic balloting."

Years of debate
Astronomers have argued since the late 1990s on whether to demote Pluto. Public support for Pluto has weighed heavily on the debate.

Caltech's Mike Brown loses out in one sense. The Pluto-sized object his team found, called 2003 UB 313 will now be termed a dwarf planet. Thus as of today Brown no longer discovered a planet..huhuhu...But Brown called the result scientifically a good decision. He said. "The public is not going to be excited by the fact that Pluto has been kicked out.But it's the right thing to do."

Textbooks and classroom charts will, of course, have to be revised.

Image: 12 planets

Martin Kornmesser / IAU

This lineup shows the 12 planets that were proposed last week, with a wedge of the sun at far left. Ceres, Pluto, Charon and 2003 UB313 are barely visible. Now Charon will continue to be considered Pluto's satellite, and the three other worlds will be dubbed "dwarf planets" rather than full-fledged planets. The planets are drawn to scale, but without correct relative distances.

Source from http://www.msnbc.msn.com

~ { 3:15 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Friday, August 17, 2007

The Top Ten Greatest Heavy Metal Album Covers of All Time

The codirectors of the documentary Metal: A Headbanger's Journey sat in as guest editors for Blender.com to school us on the art history of metal.

By Martin Popoff, Sam Dunn and Scot McFadyen

Blender.com, June 2006

Black Sabbath, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (1973)

Sabbath's debut was quite an important original metal piece, but Sabbath Bloody Sabbath blew the doors off any sense of subtlety, with the band capitalizing on the satanic hysteria of the day already fanned by the arrival of The Exorcist and the exit of the Age of Aquarius. Full-on evil on the front, eerily serene on the back, this one's been the subject of involved conjecture since the day it arrived.

Kiss, Alive! (1975)

Yeah, yeah, yeah: The Beatles and Elvis inspired guys to pick up guitars, but Kiss — and Kiss in the very act depicted on this front cover — were the ones to perform that function for the loads and loads of metalheads that ruled the '80s. Alive! showed Kiss trouncing Alice Cooper but good, and beyond the Oakland Raiders-on-acid look of it all, this was also a nicely composed and arranged picture. Alive! demonstrated the potential of metal graphically: simple, but with carnality.

Motörhead, Overkill (1979)

This had been the heaviest record ever to date, so right off the bat, the cover carried that significance. But Joe Petagno rose to the challenge, turning in the iconic version of the band's death mask, which to this day represents the band almost as much as Lemmy does. The colors were bright, the piece had motion and the expert use of text added to the unifying (and very heavy metal) feel of the whole.

Iron Maiden, Killers (1981)

Eddie is the ultimate metal mascot, and Killers is his finest hour. Derek Riggs was astonishingly versatile with his colors over the years, but Killers makes lurid use of his trademark blacks and yellows, colors gleaned from the damp and mysterious streets around London in which he lurked at night, due to his insomnia. On the debut, Eddie was a bit stunned, but on Killers, he's a metal maniac out for vengeance.

Judas Priest, Screaming for Vengeance (1982)

This was Priest's biggest album, but the shocking yellow commerciality of the cover art was a strong image that helped push the band to new heights on the backs of "You've Got Another Thing Comin'" and "Electric Eye." The cover, with its pleasingly sculpted bird, would spawn two more similar graphics, Defenders of the Faith and Turbo, completing a triptych of memorable and pliable shirt-ready images.

Poison, Look What the Cat Dragged In (1986)

This is one of those "best of the worst" arguments. But it's here because Poison concocted the most shamelessly glam look out of anybody, then laughed all the way to the bank — a case of extreme going mainstream. Look What the Cat Dragged In has the band looking like hot chicks, and ushers in the big hair and spandex that only Kurt Cobain could crush years later. None of the manly bits of metal enter this four-square picture, leaving only the incongruous name of the band to dish belligerence. OK, OK — this entry is what they call a little light relief.

Slayer, Reign in Blood (1986)

Signaling a sea change away from clichéd, air-brushed illustration, Reign in Blood used a chaotic cutout technique with rich, dark colors. The class and gravitas of the painting foretold the weight the record would carry, and many now call it the greatest thrash album of all time. Oddly, it didn't exactly match the music enclosed, being doomier and more claustrophobic than the freeing speed within. Call it an adjunct, an extra piece of art to a 28-minute-long record that needed it.

Dimmu Borgir, Spiritual Black Dimensions (1999)

Most of the modern Dimmu covers could have made this list, but this one strikes a nice balance between the swanky and the evil, exuding upscale black metal as well as a modern use of color and precision. Black metal's early covers were as crude as the recording values within, so to represent that genre, one arguably had to lean toward the classier bands working fully in the digital-art age. Cradle's covers are also quite fetching, and of course, both these bands are looked upon as far from kvlt.

Tool, Lateralus (2001)

Tool has always excelled with their packaging, and Lateralus demonstrates what you can do with CD packaging if you apply some gray matter. The booklet is simply all plastic — essentially, those cool overlay sheets of the human body in the medical texts you used to play with in school. Add a bit of psychedelia and a mysterious plastic overwrap, and you've got the perfect Mensa-mad visual for Tool's geometric metal movements.

Mastodon, Leviathan (2004)

In an age where metal has become ludicrously heavy and challenging (and Mastodon is right up there with the best of them), Leviathan presented a bold and colorful image that was also literary and had nothing to do with tired metal clichés. This was nice art, and smart art, and, as a bonus, the lush, fresh beauty of the cover concept continued right on through the booklet.

Metal: A Headbanger's Journey official site
This article is kudos to http://www.blender.com

~ { 9:23 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The 10 Most Ridiculous Metal Album Covers

Mr. Show vet Brian Posehn has made a name for himself tickling your funny bone with his strange sense of humor.Stuffmagazine.com dated 7/11/2006 let him do the honour in breaking down the 10 most ridiculous heavy-metal album covers of all time. Just banking on his new album from the "comedian of comedy," titled Live In: Nerd Rage, which also features the stand-up plugging in to thrash with a shredding supergroup, here i share with you.

10. Poison, Look What the Cat Dragged In
Posehn: I'm gonna have that cat put down. It keeps dragging shitty bands in here. I remember the "who are these ladies?" reaction I had when I first saw this album at Tower Records in Sacramento in 1986. I also remember putting it down and grabbing Megadeth.

9. Manowar, Into Glory Ride
Drummer auditions:
"Loincloths and a handlebar moustache? Yeah, I'll join your band. Will it be metal?"
"Oh yeah, the most metal."
"Will it be gay?"
"Yeah, the most gay."

8. Mortiis, Smell of Rain
Not quite black metal—more like elf folk metal. Mortiis looks like a Lord of the Rings extra taking a break before they shot the Helm's Deep battle. What a fucking goof. And you know five minutes before this picture, he was in his shitty car applying his own makeup, yelling at the photographer in Finnish, or Elvish, "Hold on! My ears aren't sticking!"

7. Exodus, Bonded by Blood
Classic album, classically bad cover. Band meeting:
"What about a two-headed baby?"
"That's sort of metal."
"What if one of the babies is a demon?"
"Totally metal."
"Let's get somebody shitty to draw it."
"Band meeting over."

6. Jackyl, Jackyl
Dogs playing poker? Lame. Dogs hanging out in the studio, Jackyl-style? Superlame. Lame fact: While researching this piece, I found out Jackyl have a greatest hits record.
YOU: "Greatest hits, really?"
ME: "Yes, really. Now quit asking questions. I'm trying to write."

5. Stryper, Soldiers Under Command
Automatic weapons, an A-Team van and four wimpy Sunset Strip rejects fighting for God? Not in my Bible.

4. Riot, Fire Down Under
Love this underrated early '80s New York metal outfit. Twenty-five years later, I still have no idea what that fucking thing is. Weird little seal-faced guy. Almost as weird-looking as the Seal who gets to bang that supermodel.

3. Yngwie Malmsteen, Trilogy
Yngwie J. Malmsteen—the J stands for jackass—hired a D&D player manual artist to draw him shooting down a three-headed dragon noodling around on his Strat. Metal for dorks. I wonder how many women own this album.

2. Exciter, Violence and Force
Holy shit, that's awful. So seedy-looking, it feels like a snuff album cover. Like once he got that door open, she was dead. I love the shitty details: the blade taped to his palm, the wristband—so you can tell it's metal, because the band logo wasn't a tip-off—and are those hands painted black? I don't even want to hear that band meeting.

1. TIE

Pantera, Metal Magic

I love this band with all my heart, but the covers for their first two albums are unbelievably terrible. That weird wolf-like creature with a blade… Isn't the point of being a kickass wolfman that you don't need a weapon? And why is he nude except for a belt? Kickass invisible pants? I just picture that art on the town loser's van.


Pantera, Projects in the Jungle
Equally low-rent. I drew better pictures on my high school binder. If your friend showed you this on a flyer and said, "Wanna come see my badass band?" your appropriate response would be, "No. I do not."

(this entry is kudos to http://www.stuffmagazine.com )

~ { 9:52 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Dick Lee Is An Arsehole

I dun care if there is a Dick Lee fan out there who will detest but Dick

Lee...haiz...looking at you as a judge in Live The Dreams just now is a pain in the arse..!! I just can't DICK (dig) this guy It simply means that I dun understand yu! (u dig wat im talkin about??..)

You have proved to me to be such a biggest jerk especially when u said during the comment to Sound Salvation dat you were kinda disturbed by the fact that Sound Salvation sounded like a band of many members, but disappointed to see there were only two. So whats wrong wif having two people on stage and hear their sounds like a band, huh Mr Dick? Luckily you admitted they sounded better than the Sugarrettes during the second time round (Results ).

And you made a fool of yourself when u said..RATcore..geez...how on earth did u manage to be a judge for singing when you dun even hear music? Not musically inclined and are soooooooo super obsessed only listenin to your own kinda tunes.

This is not the first time i feel that you are an arse Dick..you've always been and will always be..DAMN..! Get a life Dick..I think its time to give way to other people to be the judge. I'd say you better get up and get lost! Now pack your things and go home.

~ { 11:02 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Jemput Sarapan..
angin kus kus rajin memasak dah menyelinap masok ke akar2 ubun2 gue..maka terlahirlah this kentang-al-sayur-al-telur nyer dish for brreakfast. Jemput sarapan..

~ { 4:19 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Singapore turns 42..

still going on strong..even better. As a patriotic Singaporean..I hereby wish for happiness and well being for us Singaporeans, to stay united, be prepared for any future challenges, overcome whatever obstacles, to excel in whatever we do, and to always tops above the other nations.

Eventhough we've been through rough times, we made it and we stay united. Though sometimes i complained about how certain things are ruled and governed. How things doesnt come my way as a citizen. But in the end, im still contented, proud and happy to be a Singaporean. I still know i'm safe and sound here. I can wander off in the streets late nights, with no fear. Medications, food supplies, and even water ( eventhough its still best to drink reverse osmosis water..lmfao..but we pardon yu..maybe its the cost..hmm..I'd rather not touch on issues about water..lalalalala...) .

So.onward Singapore!! MAJULAH SINGAPURA!

~ { 10:21 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Its been so long since i take great shots and videos..and the reason is cos..my digicam's lenses got spoilt. YEs...My Canon Powershot A95 go KapuuTT..! KioQ..! Seems like the end of the world, especially when my hp is motorola v3 with photo memory sooo damn low.. haiz.. stress beb! Camera could be repaired but at a price of about $100-$200..not worth sey..

But kudos to Suzairhe for sharing about a sale for digicams at Choa Chu Kang Central's Gain City that had just opened. Pheww...! He actually promoted a Sony brand, but i'd prefer Canon or Nikon. Mainly because i would definitely have a hard time getting Sony's spare parts from its sole distributors and of course..mahal dok!! . Moreover, im more familiar with Canon and its easier to tweak. So..we pon bergegas la ke CCK Central to check out the hype, and of course to grab whats cheap.According to Suzairhe, a Sony W100 8.1MP cost only $299 inclusive of gst..Actual price is $699 ! Can you believe dat?? So kalau dapat Nikon or Canon yang murah2 (my budget will be about $300) should be okay. I need the digicam cos Zulhilmi will be marching on the eve of National Day as an eve-NDP event for the school and he will be the IC ( In-Charge) for all the K2s. So...i MUST buy a digicam sey..

Wah..sampai sana..mata tertumpu pada seNIKON COOLPIX ni.It is known as a well-specified 'budget' camera with 3x zoom, optical image stabilization (VR) and 7.1 million pixel CCD. The L12 also sports a 2.5-inch LCD screen, ISO 1600, Nikon's D-Lighting, Face Detection and Red-Eye Fix features. All that for just $319 INCLUSIVE of gst..bagus tak? PLUS..2GB SD Card - FREE! Imagine that 2 gig!! Meleleh air liur..Samsung yang harga $175 gua tak pandang (huh? samsung..?? ape barang...!!) Canon? It costs $279..ke $299..but with no Vibration Reduction (VR) feature, which compensates for camera shake to produce clearer, steadier images. So CONCLUSION.. i bought a NIKON COOLPIX L12 ..!!

~ { 8:39 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Saturday, August 04, 2007

'Taurus' is better than I expected..

I remembered feeling so depressed when i realise i'm gonna have you..I even remembered wanting to kill you. I was lost cos i didnt even plan to have you. I wondered if u will make my life miserable. If you will take away my freedom. Everything happened so fast. Thank god its the Ramadhan. You know i will never kill you. NOt in this holy month. Not when i have sworn to NEVER do IT again. I kept you. I prayed with you. I've grown to love you. But,the fear of having you in this world started to thickens as the months passed. I started to fear almost about evrything. I even warned my kids about what they would expect of my temper after you will be here in this world. I know, i thought i know i will definitely get the blues. Definitely.

But no..

TAURUS..you are better than i expected..

Life is a miracle. I never thought that every day is a joy now. I look forward to touch and see you evry morning. I look forward to feed you, and to caress you every minute. I wanna hold you every night.Even if u wail so loudly, i will smile or even laugh at you. Maybe because its been years since i hold a baby in my hand. And my two wonderful VIRGOS are especially sweet and caring towards me and you, little TAURUS. They love you and love me even more. I remembered how you VIRGOS help to clean the house when i overslept with you baby TAURUS. See how your sister and brother really loves and care for you? Now looking at you asleep, i itch to go over to touch and wake you. Especially when i know u now are able to recognise me. You know us, too. Your loving PISCES, who dotes on you. We remember how painful it was to see you in the surgery room. All we could do was hearing you cry when they did the bloof transfusion. I remembered how painful it was for you. You let them wickedly undress you, blindfolded you and put you in the blue light. You let them prick your hands and feet. You suffered as a little child TAURUS..I won't let you suffer again.

I was wrong. I was sceptical..You were NEVER a mistake. You changed our lives. Your existence is a miracle joy. Everything seems so wonderful. Never mind if you poo every day, cos i want yu to poo. You dont wanna have a stomache upset do you? Never mind if you spluge out ur milk on my shirt, or dirty my mattress. You are just a baby, TAURUS. I love you. Never mind if u wanna scream and cry for no reason at all. I was never stressed. In fact, all your little actions, your grimaced expression when u cry, your little shrieking voice, makes me laugh. I always love talking to you. About life. About me. We all love sharing stories with you. We read to you. We talk to you little TAURUS. You can't really understand what goin on..but we know, you know we all truly love you.

Forget how sceptical and depressed i was. Forget how i used to feel that you are a mistake.

TAURUS..you are better than i expected.

Really. You will be a good boy when you grow up, a great man, shy, strong willed,uncompromisingly loyal to your friends stolid, tenacious and determined. Possessing tremendous willpower and self-discipline,their greatest satisfaction derives from results produced directly by their personal efforts.

I love you..

~ { 11:30 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Thursday, August 02, 2007

teka teki santai hanya untuk contacts saje...

WHY??? u may ask? cos, dis teka teki ade berbau perkauman sket..And the reason for my putting this ridiculous article up cos i had it for lunch..muahahahaha..ok..however lame dis teka teki is, just bear with it for 2 mins aite..here goes..:

(warning text is in rojak malay)

Pada satu hari, ada 3 kengkawan. Ah Seng, Raju Singh dan Ali Samseng. Mereka ni dah pegi geledah satu factory sebab nak curi harta la konon. Sekali..tiba-tiba..ada bunyi keta polis kat luar. Masing2 pon masok la sembunyik dalam sarung guni. Pulak time tu ada belambak sarung guni. Bila Polis tu cucuk2 guni si Ah Seng tu, dia pon, "Meoww.." kengkonon ada kucing la dalam tu..So confirm la, dalam tu kucing, polis tu pon go and cucuk karung guni yang berisi si Ali Setan eh, Ali Samseng tu. Ali tu pon.., "Grrr,,,WooF! WOof! " dengan garangnyer..utk beritau polis yang selenge tu yg ada anjing kat dalam sarung guni tu la. Bila si polis ni cucuk Raju Singh kan, agak2 apakah bunyik yang dibuatnyer.. Cuba teka. Kalau tak dapat jugak..play la kat imeem tu. tunggu bende tu buffer and play. Baru dapat jawapan tu.

Then, barulah tau wat i had for lunch today..

~ { 9:06 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Post Natal cravings..??hmm..

Okay..been eating chocolaty stuffs lately, and i pray and hope that i dun get all pimply on the face..Its Milo, Chocolate Biscuits, Nutella, Kinder Buenos..and yea..I have a new indulgence..the every day treat not to be missed! I swear i've been eatin dat evry single day! It's just like how the product's advertised : Crunchy delicious crackers that will give you the satisfaction of rich chocolate filling from the first to the last piece. Definitely a burst of chocolate in your mouth. Yummm..Presenting..(drum rolll...!! )

The Oishi Chocolate Pillows! Comes in 30g and 45g packages

Really it taste really good, Im so very addicted to it. So..is there such a thing called Post Natal Cravings..hmmm..??

~ { 5:40 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Selamat Hari Lahir Ayah JOE....!! (don't be 'very the- the' okay..!!) Lmao..!

WOw..! Its your BIG DAY again..I wished we could celebrate your birthday like we did last year, you know had dinner together..Eventhough you might not be readingthis at all, I still want you to be part of my blog because you've been such a wonderful dad!

Here wishing you all the best, semoga di murahkan rezeki, sihat selalu, and be happy always! You've been a great dad, always so full of humour and easy going. We could open up with you and talk to you with ease..and till now i'll still say, " you are.. VERY 'THE- THE..ar..!!" khiakhiakhiak..!!

~ { 7:40 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;