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Friday, July 27, 2007

Ternyata Alif Aziz is HEBAT!

Check this out sey..!! CLick on my imeem account Sedang Ingin Bercinta- Alif

With less than a week after i upload his song on my imeem account, it has been played 1,711 times, favourited 4 times, rated 6 times, commented 20 times, (comments are of course, to request for the song, or just merely screaming, "ALIFFFF!!!!")

~ { 10:53 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Addicted To Blue's Clues!

This guy is soooooooo damn cute !!

i love watching this kid's show, eventhough how lame and gay he is , but haha..i think i'm kinda addicted to him..Lmfao! , let's sing- drum beat, tup ! tup! tup! tup! ..."we just got a letter, we just got a letter..we just got a letter, i wonder who's it from.? WOof! Woof! " Muahahahahahaha..Just look at alll his funny , expressions!!

~ { 9:43 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Updates On My Nashrullah Asyrory

OK..in this blog entry, i would like to update on my baby Nashrullah who is Alhamdulillah..dah dua bulan.Cepat kan time flies.Now especially cos there is interaction, dah bole sengih2, ketawa2..ngoceh2..cute nyerr..!!

*Look at him 2 days old (left) and 2 months old (right).

see dah boleh ketawa liao..!

check it out!! WILL WORK FOR MILK tee.. haha bought this when i was shopping to buy a gift for my cousin time dia dah give birth. Still pregnant dat time.

Pics Of Baby Ayce Fandee & Mohamed Nashrullah...

~ { 9:22 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

tu la..jalan laju2 lagi..

..kan selipar tercabut!! Ended up i have to limp all the way back home from sending my son to skoool. (Slipper Azah la tu..! Sorry sis..) Sebelah pakai selipar, sebelah kaki ayam (down the road sey jalan like dat..) sebelah tangan pegang plastik bag (beli jajan tadi kat kedai) and sebelah tangan pegang selipar yang dah rabak. Aiyak..bengang2 pon terpaksa jugak mengharungi..tak sempat nak malu, sbb penat sey jalan limping camtu. I had to cross the road, and i know sure ramai yang nampak sey. As usual, control jambu..sengih je if ada orang nampak ke 'clumsy'an me.Sempat sorang mamat yang tercegat kat motor at the carpark tegur.." hehe kesian..selipar koyaaaakk dik..??" , I turned to him and gave him a senyum plastik'. Haiz...lucky tak dukung Nashrullah....and right now i need a massage cos my kaki terkehel sket..sakit dok!!!

~ { 11:27 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Monday, July 23, 2007

Finally i got the song!

Kudos to jawaboy for giving me the name of the lil French boy who sang that song! Its Jordy Lemoine, the youngest singer ever to have #1 charted single. Achieved at the tender age of four and a half wif the song, yes.. the song yang ku tercari2.."Dur dur d'être bébé" ("It's Tough to Be a Baby"). Best! Best!

OK..in this blog entry, i would like to update on my baby Nashrullah who is Alhamdulillah..dah dua bulan.Cepat kan time flies.Now especially cos there is interaction, dah bole sengih2, ketawa2..ngoceh2..cute nyerr..!!

*Look at him 2 days old (left) and 2 months old (right).

see dah boleh ketawa liao..!

check it out!! WILL WORK FOR MILK tee.. haha bought this when i was shopping to buy a gift for my cousin time dia dah give birth. Still pregnant dat time.

~ { 10:55 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Friday, July 20, 2007

Sedang Ingin Bercinta Singapore or Malaysian style?

kwang kwang kwang...

Actually i'm not here to judge any singers, cos, im not even cut out to be the judge anyway. And i don't jolt down notes on commercial breaks during the Anugerah 2007 like Pujangga Malam did to give us very good and precise details on the event. It's just gotta be part of my blog because I love Dewa's Sedang Ingin Bercinta, cos that song really has some sentimental values. And since our Alif Aziz won the judges singing that song, eventhough how breathless he sounded, macam bunyi orang semput pon ada, macam kuda sesak nafas pon ade..haha.. but yea, he pull it through. Im not here to preach about Alif's performance or criticise him. I just wanna compare bcos i heard another version of Sedang Ingin Bercinta yang pernah dinyanyikan oleh Fiq ( Tiga Malam Tanpa Bintang ) dan Ima (Mentor vs Bintang Cari Bintang) waktu dia dalam competition dulu. Eventhough he got the liriks all wrong, his hype and energy made me forget dan maafkan mistakes dia. And i ennjoyed the way he sang it his own style. Bukan nak memperlekehkan (ceh, is dat the word ekk? like so chim gitu..) or memperkecilkan bakat tanahair.. but listening to Alif singing dat song, its ..erm..okay lah.. The beginning of the song tu he sang it like lagu balada,,but he pulled it through during the chorus. Cuma nafas dia pretty bad for a crowned winner. Apart from that, the only Singapore styled Sedang Ingin Bercinta dat i like is of course the guitar great guitar strums from Addy Cradle..gereksss..as for Alif, he just sang like how its suppose to be sung. Nothing special. So here i have the two versions. Singaporean or Malaysian style? You choose.

Sedang Ingin Bercinta Singaporean Style:

http://media.imeem.com/m/Xepcut_4ky/aus=false/"> name="wmode" value="transparent">http://media.imeem.com/m/Xepcut_4ky/aus=false/" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="80" wmode="transparent">

Sedang Ingin Bercinta Malaysian Style:

http://media.imeem.com/m/fewhDaBDR2/aus=false/"> name="wmode" value="transparent">http://media.imeem.com/m/fewhDaBDR2/aus=false/" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="80" wmode="transparent">

~ { 10:03 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Actually nak cerita pasal dis Ina but..WHAT'S WRONG WITH IMEEM???!!!!!!

Mentang-mentanglah byk dah nak boikot imeem, dia buat hal pulak..its like most songs i uploaded tak bole play.Asyik Not Found je..irritating sey..! (Snapdrive here i come..!!) At first i thought it's gotta be my pc, cos lately its been driving me nuts, macam siput, asyik hang je..and this wireless infrastructure mode could only signal less than 60%.Teruk siak..Tapi bila i test, it doesnt look like its my pc nyer problem.

Okay Imeem aside..actually i nak cerita pasal this Ina but ..haha..not gossiping or whatever la. But if ada yang baca article ni and pikir, "Ina mana sey.." lol..THAT'S the thing la..!

My sis called me recently. She was like, " Aiyoo.. this Ina can't sing sey.." I was like confused ler..sbb in a daze la jugak, takde hek takde hok, dia cakap camtu. I ask her, "Ina mane sey..?" She then told me, " Aler..Ina MAWI.." baru i oowh...hahaha.. pikir2 kesian sey dia ni..kalau takde letak MAWI kat ujung i betol2 lost tak tau. Ade ke penyanyi nama Ina ?kah kah kah.! Its not only me okay. After dat thought i told Sham da same thing, exactly. I went like, " so i heard this Ina really sux singing live.." <<(cey mengata sey aku..haha, wat da heck!) and Sham was like " Ina mane sey.." Lmfao..so kena la intro her as INA MAWI..LOL LOL LOL..

Imagine bila dah kawen ngan sape, Suhaimi ek? Budak Inteam..imagine if she got married, we will all still remember her as Ina Mawi..lol..If u say Ina Suhaimi like tak kena gitu..:))

Whatever.. She is Ina Naim..or maybe in the future be Ina InTeam..kwang kwang kwang..and will always be associated with Mawi..jahat sey aku..lol..Okaylah even if she cant really sing, i give credits to her good looks. I think she is a beau..very sweet and very jambu kan?

And i better stop being an arse now for criticising her..haha..ni dah bulan Rejab tak baiiikkk mengata orang..kah kah kah.. can't help it ler.. cos its Ina Mawi.. INA and MAWI.. the 2x5 Dol yang sangat ku tak berapa berkenan..


~ { 9:49 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tagged For Charity..

Since ive been tagged by si cantik menawan Koosem.. Finally get to read her blog.. dunno apesal la my pc semput tak bole baca.. or kena block ke, beats me sey, but here goes..

Idham made a pledge here to contribute RM127 to Darul Izzah Orphanage in Bangi for every tag done before 26th of August 2007, and then of course gotta notify this man!
Quite easy peasy to do, you just need to complete at least 17 of the following 27 sentences.

1. A person is only as good as ...............being himself....................
2. Friendship is always ........filled with ups and downs............................
3. To love is to...............sayang....lmfao..........................................
4. Money makes me.................count..................................
5. I miss .............school!!...Boo Hoo!!..............................
6. My way of saying I care is by ....saying i care..and really mean it..........................
7. I try to spread love and happiness by...smiling my sweetestEST smile .............
8. Pick the flowers when...they fall and still look good and fresh..........................................
9. To love someone is to........sacrifice, to trust and make them happy.....................................
10. Beauty is.......undefined........................................................
11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was.....my folly..................
12. When I was twenty one, I remember........at one point i was an arsehole...........................................
13. I am most happy when ...i can indulge in all the chocolates and icecreams like nobody's business...............................................................
14. Nothing makes me happier than ...reflecting my misdeeds thus changing for the better...............
15. If I can change one thing, I will change....my future.....
16. If smiles were....meant only for the happy people.......then I...would be smiling only at this age.....................
17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could....turn back the clock?...............
18. If you want to ...succeed..........then you have to ...stop procrastinating.............
19. Money is not everything but....it is still something u always need............
20. The most touching moments I have experienced is.....long gone forgotten.............
21. I smile when....i smell the rain.....................
22. When I am happy, I....smile.....duh..lol...........................
23. If only I don't have to ....do this crap..........., then.i would have done something else more worthwile................
24.The best thing I did yesterday was....i forgot was there any?..........
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title,"..Kari, Kuay Teow Dan Sambal Goreng...Ada Apa Dengan French Fries?............................"
26. One thing I must do before I die is...to repent lor..........................
27. Doing this meme, I feel like ..A total jerk and I'm kinda wasting my time but.....heck ar...........................

Please pick up this tag if you would like to. "By doing this meme you are contributing rm127 to the Darul Izzah Orphanage".

~ { 11:02 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Bukan la nak eksyen alim..

tapi its a worrying trend ler.. I dun have this kinda feelings la dulu.. but after u have kids yang dah besar2 and especially when i always stressed to them the importance of solat, serba salah sey. You may wonder what i mean..

Its this..

I am always happy to receive guests in my house, tapi kadang2 tu, when they come like hujung2 waktu petang sampai ke Maghrib tu.. its kinda make me gelisah sey. Ye la kalau yang dtg is my makcik2 or sedara2 or senang cakap family, its okayla.. sure automatic dorang mintak nak solat. But if frens, like my kawan seperjuangan kind..yang i confirm tau dorang memang tak solat punyer..its stressing sey. I pulak sengaja la kasi kuat radio tu..biar bergema kuat2 azan tu..Tapi dorang dok mengilai lebih kuat.. mamposs...!! Sebagai insan yang lemah lagi daif ni, bila lidah baru nak tanya and offer my frens tu " You all nak solat kat sini tak? " terkeluar pulak kata2 " Eh jemput la makan dan minum.." Haiiiz... ape la setan dalam badan ni..lahanat betul!! Am i a hypocrite? Ya Allah.. ampun kan la dosa kami..ish ish ish.. Sempat pulak dorang berjenaka.. " ha jom buka puasa.." ye la sebb time tu time azan maghrib per..Paisey bukan kepalang bila my kids just look at the whole situation. Especially bila my kids yang kelam kabut masok ambil wuduk and pray..but bila dorang dah abis, they ask , " Eh ibu ngan ayah lom solat2 lagi ke? kita daaaaaaaah.." dengan bangga nya. And yea, i'm proud too. Just, Im embarrassed.Cet, konon nak mengajar anak suruh solat dan ingat Allah.. tapi yang tua2 tak sedar diri ni sibuk membadok time Maghrib.. Tapi dulu time raye tu..bila waktu je i sure masok and pray je..and then we take turns.. but like i said, me as a manusia yang hipokrit, we do dat only when certain guests are around. Merepek sey..

Bukan waktu visitors datang je sey.. sometimes they ajak kluar time ujung2 waktu jugak. I know la.. dulu main langgar je.. tak ingat nak solat and all dat..but nowadays my conscience is telling me, why can't Muslims do the wajib as what you are told? Apa susah sangat ke? Lain la kalau orang kafir tu dorang tak reti masa. Now its the Muslims.,.kita-kita sendiri ni.. yang tak reti tgk time. Why eh..?? No wonder bumi makin panas je..

Ya Allah.. buka kanlah hati ku dan tabahkanlah ku.. KUatkan la iman ku.. Jadi kanlah aku seorang Muslimah yang taat melaksanakan perintah mu.. dan juga bukakanlah hati teman2 seperjuanganku, tabahkanlah hati mereka dan kuatkan iman mereka juga.. Amin...

~ { 9:06 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Monday, July 09, 2007

Merepek sey..

i miss the Metallica performance on LIVE THE EARTH..!! GRRRR..!!! Why can't they give us a brochure on the timings certain artistes will perform instead of wasting electricity 24 jam must lepak and wait and see the stooooopid show. Its suppose to be a save energy, save current, save earth thingy, sey. Surely the people yang watch the concerts sure leave tonnes of sampah and the saraps all over..bedek arr dorang nak buang kat tong.. or kutip the sampah-sampah..they will be too drunk, sleepy and tired after the concert per..

Dah la bill letrik dah naik..nak save bills tau..!!! Dah la 24 jam depan pc ni..sampai procrastinate and waste time. Dah dah dah..waste time lagi..keje banyak taknak buat sik dok depan pc ni je..!!!

~ { 8:05 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Friday, July 06, 2007

Babies kalau ketawa..
merelease kan tension sey.. haha..Baby Nashrullah baru je senyum2 me dah feel sooo sejuuuk je.. best layan dia cakap2. Kalau dia dah pandai ngoceh' and ketawa laaaaaaaagi la bahagia..hehe.. just like a first time mom la i feel hahahaha..

~ { 8:34 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Ayn Junior is finally out!

How to spell junour ek? junior? juniour? OMIGOSH.. camner leh lupe lak..

ANYWAY.. the main highlight is CONGRATULATIONS to my dearest fren Mawar, for finally able to deliver her baby boy, on the 4th July..at 11am. Said the baby is 3.3 kg (wow berat sey..) and 51 cm..that was like after they administer induce tablet at 2pm 3rd July until cervix is open. She kena induce maybe cos she dah rasa contraction for the past few days.Alhamdulillah all is well and am waiting for more updates from her.

As for me..i baru je baik demam. This is like my 4th time demam after delivery. And this time i have cold sweats, sinus.. bad sinus (mcm paip air sey hingus meleleh..) plus headaches, pain kat tengkuk, kaki sengal, aiyoo.. belom tua dah teruk sey. And now dat I'm better, I've been perspiring like crazy. Even after a cold bath, i will sweat terribly.Macam kena siram air, the peluh menitis everywhere..even in aircon! ( is dis tanda2 nak menopause ? uwaaaa:(( )

I dunno if Im still terperanjat..(lol) you know trying to adapt to a newborn, change of lifestyle, and timetable.. all happens so damn fast and ive not been having enough rest. Been tryin to hold my temper as well.Whatever, i hope everything will be fine especially the health of my 3 children. Religiously i have to take my ubat so dat evryone in the family is in a pink of health. Cos if they sakit..its really an extra work for me as well.. sighs sighs..

And berbalik kepada Ayn nyer adik kan.. i forgot to ask Mawar baby's name.What's his name eh?

~ { 8:43 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;