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Friday, April 27, 2007


uploaded lagu2 rok kapak on my imeem.. enjoy my playlist..and let's be kental together-gether...and revive the 'rok never die' banner..muahahaha..

Fuyooh..liriks menangkap..teringat tym sekola dulu ...

Title : Mengukir Impian
Artist : Keno

Telah kucuba mengasah ingatan
Dengan kenangan
Kusangka pastikan tajam
Setajam harapan cinta silam

Kucuba pula mengukir impian
Dari keringat
Semasa kehidupan
Yang tak sanggup ku teruskan

Ternyata masih hampa
Ku masih tak berdaya
Kau masih mengharapkan

Aku umpama pengukir
Tanpa pahat dan penukul
Tanpa ilham yang luhur
Hanya khayalan yang jujur

Maka dengan khayalan
Aku ukir permata
Ku jadi kan istana
Suara kita berdua


Ternyata masih hampa
Ku masih tak berdaya
Kau masih mengharapkan

Walau sekadar itu
Yang hanya aku mampu
Kuharap kau kan tahu
Luasnya impianku

Seandainya ternyata
Segala yang kucita
Kaulah orang pertama
Kumandikan permata

Aku umpama pengukir
Tanpa pahat dan penukul
Tanpa ilham yang luhur
Hanya khayalan yang jujur

Maka dgn khayalan
Aku ukir permata
Kujadikan istana
Suara kita berdua

Telah kucuba mengasah ingatan
Dengan kenangan
Kusangka pastikan tajam
Setajam harapan cinta silam

~ { 2:40 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Really you guys prove me wrong today! Tabikk!!.. I better take back my words about how u people always care only about face value, how egoist u people were..REALLY, I DIDN'T EXPECT THE BOTH OF YOU WOULD DO THAT! I never thought that you both have that gut.. really Im so so sooooooooo proud of you both, Mum and Dad, for handling the situation the way you did. It was amazingly a huge change of attitude. You stripped down your pride to face them, just to protect and to care for your child! And that's how it should be.

Yesterday when u told me u 'samar2' know a lil bit about what's happening, i thought, well, its just talk and no action.. again.. so i didn't even bother to call again to get myself updated of what's goin on. Or you guys would just do the routine, ask and check..question and doubt thing. But this morning when i found out that she was caught red-handed..wow..it was actually a great relief. For me. No, im not a sadist here, it's really for the better. I can't lie anymore and like what Sham said to us at the 'mesyuarat tembok2 di dapur' bersama ahli2 tertentu..(kah kah kah ), sampai bila nak tanggung dosa orang kan? And right now i know she will be safe best at home. Pheww...!

Don't worry big sista..u are in gud hands! Remember, this is what u wanted, so you better behave. Now don't tell me that mum and dad doesn't care anymore. Its true she gets on your nerves, on calls, checkin on yu and stuffs, and if you wanna know why, its cos u lied too much. And if you want them off you back, you gotta gain back their trust. Only then, they will let go and trust you again. We all care for you. Whatever it is, you dun have to confide in the outsiders. You have us, okay.. I pray dat your life will turn for the better, InsyaAllah. You can always confide in me. Confide in me...

Confide In Me..
Kylie Minogue

I stand in the distance
I view from afar
Should I offer some assistance
Should it matter who you are

We all get hurt by love
And we all have our cross to bear
But in the name of understanding now
Our problems should be shared

CHORUS: Confide in me, confide in me

I can keep a secret
And throw away the key
But sometimes to release it
Is to set our children free

We all get hurt by love
And we all have our cross to bear
But in the name of understanding now
Our problems should be shared


Stick or twist the choice is yours
Hit or miss what's mine is yours
Stick or twist the choice is yours
Hit or miss what's mine is yours

We all get hurt by love
And we all have our cross to bear
But in the name of understanding now
Our problems should be shared

~ { 6:10 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

UUuuurrghhh.........!!!!!!! My procrastinatin habits are back and i tell ya, its killing me!! Now look at all the piles of filings to do..all the letters, all the bills, clothes lying around..BUT.. the only thing i CARE to clean up is my dressing table..(and dunno waddaheck for..) rajin atur2 the many body butter creams.. (disposin yang dah due..) and susun2 the belambak new stocks of facial creams, body lotions, the soo many miniature perfumes, jewellery, boxes of jewellery..yang ntah bila nak pakai ntah.. rings..yang ntah bila nak pakai ntah..ubat2..and lipsticks..eyeshadows.. lip balms.. ( realise i have like 4 of diff brands and kinds..) Tempat tu je presentable..lain area mcm kandang kambing sey.. Mbeeekk...!!

oh well.. rite now i'm dirundung malang cos, NO. 1..... im dead broke! Secondly, my feet and fingers are bloated..Seriously..it looks horrible, i never experience dis kind of bengkak on my feet before..!! Scary i look like im walking with kaki gajah! Thirdly of cos, my procrastinatin habits are back..hopefully not for gud.. Then, i have delivaphobia..(hehe..ayat baru meaning takut nak deliver..kwang kwang kwang.., asal bole je aku!)

And gasp! Tadi my mum called to tell me she knows the WHOLE Truth!! (oh no... i can smell trouble...)

And then moving on to another issue altogether, i feel quite kesian for my dad. He felt neglected..and a lil down. Dah la ofis byk problems, at home pon kena suffer jugak. He pulak the type yang tak suke luahkan, and rather keep quiet. After she blurted about her 'discovery', she told me about Abah yang stressed and tertekan. Betul jugak kate my mom. You cant expect him to start everything. Or be a changed person just because of something he did, which wasnt such a big deal pon..He said all dat cos he was stressed up. He gave evrything. Well maybe except real good communication. (Which he can never master..dari dulu sampai la skrg ni..!!) Tell me , wat does she get?Access to internets, hp, ape2 je...Then he found out his precious anak buat hal...of cos he melenting and terkeluar kata2 yang menyinggung..( and it wasnt even a bad word..i mean back at my time, he was way worst, i tell ya he is much much better dealing wif her..and she shud be bersyukur, at least! He is not the only one entirely at fault, you are too, my dear lil girl!) The reason he exploded was because of wat u did kan?

Sometimes its hard to understand certain things. If u are in her shoes, u wanna rebel, cos u know rebelling means u can tell ur frens how terrible ur parents are and u have reasons to puff or to do watever u wanna do. You tend to make a small issue such a big thing, forgeting the luxuries u are given, the love u had, the gud times shared. Of course i understand dis 'darah muda' thing. And yea... some parents just dun understand! Then again, if u are in his shoes... sigh..i dunwanna be in his shoes, cos i think i know how painful it is. Trying to pretend u have no problems but in fact, there are so many things to put right, all piling on ur head!!

Right noow i feel, if we wan them to understand us, we too have to take the initiative to be sensitive of their feelings. To understand them too. Knowing their expectations. Really, they dun even realise that their baby has turn into a teenage gal. Its all too fast and they still feel that she is still a lil kid. So..if she wanna be treated like an adult, she gotta behave like one sensible mature person. Stop bickering, answerin back, sulking, hate to do dis hate to do dat, hating the entire people in the house, hating to participate in chores, hatin to hear advices, cos hating will make one's life dreadfully really in hatred. And wen it happens, no one will ever listen. Cos they know how hateful u can be.

I know i used to get angry and condemn cos of his ego at times, but certainly, we still have to respect and to respect is cool.. Seriously, it is really uncool to blabber and talk rots about ur parents, or hate them. Its never right to throw away wats urs. To condemn. And if we dun like to be treated like dat, then we dun treat them likewise. Simple as dat.

Right now..my mom told me she wasnt really excited to go holidaying anymore. There are so many things on her mind, as well as dad's. Too many. The horrifying truth is out. Relationships tearing apart... sighs sighs sighs...

Let's hope and pray that everything will be put to right soon...

~ { 3:03 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

BYOBD.. So today..,18th April was the inaugural day for Bring Your Own Bag Day in Singapore and the participating retailers are:

o Carrefour
o Cold Storage
o FairPrice
o Giant
o Prime
o Sheng Siong
o Shop n Save

Subsequently, the BYOBD will be on the 1st Wed of each month, meant to educate us Singaporeans to save the planet. How kewl is dat. But looking at the news just now i was quite appalled by some of the 'sengkek' singaporeans who was not happy with the new rule, apparently cos they were asked or some put it as 'forced' to buy canvas or u call it reusable bags available at the participating supermarkets (for those who did not bring any while shopping)or donate 10cents for each plastic bag taken at the checkout counters.

Okay, i know its a bit ridiculous.But..i feel that y not a for a good cause? Take heed that proceeds from the donation will go to SEC, a registered charity, where they will use it to fund campaign and other environmental programmes.Scientifically, plastic bags begin their lives as natural gas or other petrochemical substances, which are finite, polluting, and increasingly expensive resources.

According to ChannelNewsAsia, Singapore consumes 2.5 billion plastic bags each year. Singapore incinerates its waste plastic bags and burning a tonne of them produces almost 2,900 kilograms of carbon dioxide - the gas that causes global warming.Global warming is the reason why glaciers melt, causing sea levels to rise. And that is a serious issue for islands like Singapore.And some plastic bags end up as rubbish, polluting beaches and clogging up waterways & drains.

Memang for me personally, i actually need loads of plastic bags for my thrashes at home. You know how we recycle the bags we got from supermarkets for our domestic dustbins at home. But after i know the impact it had on us plus, as Muslims, kita pon digalakkan utk menjaga persekitaran, and be mesra alam, i guess we had to make some sacrifice kan? And its kewl to carry those bags per..rather than da usual plastic pasar tu. Anyway, its not that plastic bags are gonna perish forever from Singapore! I can still get it from other shops.So..


1. Don’t ask for a bag for small purchases
2. Always ask cashiers to pack more purchases into bags
3. Avoid double-bagging
4. Carry and use reusable bags where possible

Stylo kan...? Nak pegi pasar pon ade class...

~ { 11:54 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I read about this kat Berita Harian quite sometime about some pranks they did on RK House, a Halal Restaurant, but insisted on ordering pork. Initially, i was quite disturbed by how bad their sense of humour was, u know makin fun of the Muslims.But it was really quite hilarious..!! I was like lmfao..!! Really kelakar...ehem..i know i shudnt laugh but really..it made my day! HAH!

click on it and have fun!!

RK House

~ { 11:14 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Friday, April 13, 2007

Its soooo good to hear the familiar tunes in ur head again after so so soooooo many many many years. U know reviving the good ol times.. And in this very moment i get to hear and recall back the songs i used to play over and over and now i've uploaded them in my imeem so that i can STILL play them over and over again..!! The times we used to hang out in our cars (take heed, carss...dulu loaded, mcm2 kreta kite naik kan?kan? kan?..)..just chilling out, almost everyday, just so secluded with ourselves. We will go to anywhere our hearts desire, anytym we wanna, and free like birds..so nice.. And during dat tym, it was Cake's The Distance, Steve Vai's The Crying Machine, Malmsteen's Crying, Mel Wings' Lupakanlah, and of course the much controversial..Versi's Bila Kekasih Mula Merajuk.. (hehe.. sanggup letak kaset tu kat atas kreta in one hand, and another hand pegang steering pasal...ade pasal la tym tu...wakaka..u know i know la sua..)


kisah silam dah berlalu

tinggal kau dan aku
menagih kasih yang dijanjikan

datanglah kau kepada ku
berikan hatiku
padamu kasih aku curahkan

air yang mengalir
tidak dapat aku hentikan
selagi kau sangsi kan diriku
yang menyayangi dirimu
mengertilah sayang

satu diriku untukmu
usahlah kau ragu
cahaya mu kasih dalam genggaman

akan ku bina
mahligai kota untuk kita
disaksikan malam yang melambai
akan aku buktikan pada mu
tanda kebesaran

pengorbanan mu kasih
takkan aku siakan
akan aku buktikan

satu diriku untukmu
usahlah kau ragu
cahaya mu kasih dalam genggaman

air yang mengalir
tidak dapat aku hentikan
selagi kau sangsi kan diriku
yang menyayangi dirimu
mengertilah kasih

kan ku bina
mahligai kota untuk kita
disaksikan malam yang melambai
akan aku buktikan pada mu
tanda kejujuran ...


Bila kekasih mula merajuk
Bagaimanakah dapat ku pujuk
Hebatnya cinta banyak dugaannya
Kau tak percaya yang aku setia
Bukan niatku bermesra dengannya
Kerna ia hanya teman biasa

Bila kekasih mula berpaling
Tak ingin lagi bertentang mata
Ucapan sakti yang mana untuknya
Dapat melembut setiap bicara
Kerna cintaku hanya untukmu
Hanya untukmu

Belum puasku mengecapi redup asmara
Kini cinta dihiris dengan perasaan
Pada zahirnya engkau curiga
Walau dijiwa terlalu setia
Apa erti cinta tanpa sefahaman

Jangan dipertaruhkan cinta dan perasaan
Sehingga hatimu terluka
Padaku kaulah insan
Senyumanmu penawar jiwa

Kekasihku... Lupakanlah...
Usah biarkan aku sengsara

Andainya kasih aku merajuk
Adakah mungkin engkau memujuk
Hebatnya cinta banyak dugaannya
Rindu dan dendam bukan permainan
Kerna cintaku hanya padamu
Hanya padamu...


She's writing, she's writing,
She's writing a novel.
She's writing, she's weaving,
Conceiving a plot.
It quickens, it thickens.
You can't put it down now.
It takes you, it shakes you,
It makes you lose your thought.
But you're caught in your own glory.
You are believing your own stories.
Writing your own headlines.
Ignoring your own deadlines.
But now you've gotta write them all again.

You think she's an open book,
But you don't know which page to turn to, do you?
You think she's an open book,
But you don't know which page to turn to, do you?
Do you? Do you?

You want her, confront her.
Just open your window.
Unbolt it, unlock it,
Unfasten your latch.
You want it, confront it.
Just open your window.
All you really have to do is ask.

But you're caught in your own glory.
You are believing your own stories.
Timing your contractions.
Inventing small contraptions
That roll across your polished hardwood floors.

You think she's an open book,
But you don't know which page to turn to, do you?
You think she's an open book,
But you don't know which page to turn to, do you?
Do you? Do you?

You think she's an open book,
But you don't know which page to turn to, do you?
Do you? Do you? Do you?


Reluctantly crouched at the starting line
Engines pumping and thumping in time
The green light flashes, the flags go up
Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup
They daftly maneuver and muscle for rank
Fuel burning fast on an empty tank
Reckless and wild, they pour through the turns
Their prowesses podent and secretly stern
As they speed through the finish, the flags go down
The fans get up and they get out of town
The arena is empty except for one man
Still driving and striving as fast as he can
The sun has gone down and the moon has come up
And long ago somebody left with the cup
But he's driving and striving and hugging the turns
And thinking of someone for whom he still burns...
He's going the distance
He's going for speed
She's all alone (All alone!)
All alone in a time of need
Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse
He's going the distance.
No trophy, no flowers, no flashbulbs, no line
He's haunted by something he cannot define
Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse
Assail him, impail him, with monster truck force.
In his mind, he's still driving, still making the grade
She's hoping in time that her memories will fade
'Cause he's racing ad pacing and plotting the course
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse
The sun has gone down and the moon has come up
And long ago somebody left with the cup
But he's striving and driving and hugging the turns
And thinking of someone for whom he still burns...
'Cause he's going the distance
He's going for speed
She' all alone (All alone!)
All alone in a time of need
Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse
He's racing and pacing and plotting the course
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse
HE'S going the distance
He's going for SPEED
HE'S going the distance.

~ { 12:02 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Can't seem to get to sleep...Today i had my pc shifted and it helps a lot. Just had a minor sound problem..but i got it fixed in a jiffy. Uploaded more songs again..(got dis lagu Dinamik lamaaa sekali.. Bercanda Kesepian...nice song..) okay, dah jadi kental s ket, but waddaheck..

This Danish dah la tidur macam aeroplane, mengigau tak agak2 pulak tu. Nak talk in his sleep pon, at least perlahan la sket volume tu.He will speak soo loudly, (dunno what he is blabbering, terperanjat2 kan orang jerrr..Lmfao..) But nevertheless, i love his company. Getting Iim and Putri ready for another adik. So far, Putri is doing well, but this Iim doesnt cooperate DAT well. But I can understand his unwillingness to do so. Simple things like sharing, or being bossy, being difficult, BULLY..or just screaming to attract attention.. So far, i can tolerate, but..i dunno if i cud tolerate further tho..pray i will. I always have this habit of self-talk if i know i acted rashly, so it shud be okay. InsyaAllah. Lets hope for da best and i hope he will be a good big brother..

~ { 1:42 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Okay i admit i get bored easily. I decided to wipe out the locals on my imeem in this blog...buut i still keep em in my imeem acct if u guys still wanna hear though.

Current favourite..heh heh..kristal.. lagu lama but di beri versi baru. Hmm..not bad...

KRISTAL Menjejak Impian

Ku jejak jalan yang berliku
Membara jiwaku memburu impian

Ku renang lautan gelora
Biarpun tersadai di hujung dunia

Akan ku rempuhi segala rintangan
Biarpun rebah ku bangun sendiri

Akan ku genggam biarpun hitam
Menjadi milikku

Ku mula dengan langkah ini
Menuju sinaran yang abadi…

~ { 1:43 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Friday, April 06, 2007

Just uploaded new songs in my imeem..again from local talents..new hip hoppers..i notice dis new dude Richard Jansen (left, yang posing perasan hensem tu..)not bad, a mix eurasian malay..he's got many kewl beats, but his voice a bit kemek la...he is one of the beats society's gang. I like My Cinderella tho..suits his voice..hehe..if i have time i'll upload more of his songs la ekk... (gotta wait for the song to buffer ..imeem ni suke stuck2 pulak skrg..haiz..) Oh yea.. he also sang a song with Sleeq (Hot Tonight). And cakap pasal Sleeq...

If u ask me about Sleeq..they are just ok..sometimes, they sound like Taufik Batisah, and some songs pulak i hear they tune like Eminem..hmm..

~ { 4:28 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Monday, April 02, 2007

Sitting back now while enjoying the local talents on my imeem playlist....Singaporean talents not bad jugak... just the market is not that good i guess. Maybe we prefer just listenin to their songs on radio rather than buying their cds?. And like me, minah uploading, downloading, recording..lol..Anyhow..its refreshing to hear the locals do their thing..for a change..i now prefer to stick and love my seangkatan negara..

~ { 3:37 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Manisnya Crescentians bertudung..

We had our own mini gathering on 31st March (12 Rabiulawal) on Umi Nadhirah's wedding at the Ba'alwi Mosque. Bukan senang nak dpt snap my closest friends (ex-school mates) sweet2 bertudung camni...

It was a simple wedding, with lots of good food, mainly indian- like dish, roti nan, indian acar, and the best thing is, bila nak balik je, i saw them letak tosai..(melepas la..takde rezeki beb..) Apart from good food, (which i dun really have time to saviour), the main 'course' for that event was to catch up on our old times as well as updatin on what they've been doing. Its so good to see my ex- school mates, with their loved ones, holding their bundle of joy! Of course you cant see their loved ones here in the pics, cos each and every one of em jadi photographer for the day for all of us!! Lmao!

From Top Left : Yati, Ros, Hera
Bottom Left : Putri( sempat menyelit jugak ), Me( all black lol...! ), Yuli, Mas

From Top Left : Suzanna, Nazlina, Yati, Me
Bottom Left : NoorAziah and her cute baby, Mas, Putri

SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU, Umi Nadhirah!! May you be blessed with good health, a good husband, and many many children..;) (From left: Myself (with Umi on focal black and white..ape dah..posing kejam mata pulak!) Hera, Ros, Yati)

~ { 12:26 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

tangkap layan mood lagu jiwangs.. a good theraphy for the prenatal blues..i guess... Nice tunes on my imeem.. it'll last for a couple of weeks before it turns hardcore again..lol, or maybe dangdut? ill see how..

~ { 1:32 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;