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Thursday, March 29, 2007

..okay so after dat short teleconversation with her just now, i realise that half or maybe more than half of what was spoken by her is not true. Of course, i wouldnt know for sure, but.. whatever that she told me was senseless. Or is she that 'selenge'? And that lame excuse to put down the phone was so ... grrr.. nampak sangat tipu. Maybe she is a liar after all. Plus bila dengar budak tu nyer voice at the back...irritating nyerr...!!!!

ok ill take heed. Mind my own business sudah...

~ { 12:38 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

So whats with me, cans of canned kernel corns and Nestum cereals? If its not chocolate ice cream its corn galore for me..for now.. YEAP..been downing those corns and cereals like nobody's business. Taste gooood....

Oh yea..sambil sing lagu nih..."tengok..tengoklah kami sang merah.." lol..have a listen to the chorus..

La Camisa Negra - Juanes

Tengo la camisa negra
Hoy mi amor esta de luto
Hoy tengo en el alma una pena
Y es por culpa de tu embrujo

Hoy s que t no me quieres
Y eso es lo que mas me hiere
Que tengo la camisa negra
Y una pena que me duele

Mal parece que solo me qued
Y fue pura todita tu mentira
Que maldita mala suerte la ma
Que aquel da te encontr

Por beber del veneno malevolo de tu amor
Yo qued moribundo y lleno de dolor
Respire de ese humo amargo de tu adios
Y desde que t te fuiste to solo tengo….

Tengo la camisa negra
Porque negra tengo el alma
Yo por ti perd la calma
Y casi pierdo hasta mi cama

Cama cama caman baby
Te digo con disimulo
Que tengo la camisa negra
Y debajo tengo el difunto

Tengo la camisa negra
Ya tu amor no me interesa
Lo que ayer me supo a gloria
Hoy me sabe a pura
Mircoles por la tarde y t que no me llegas
Ni siquiera muestras seas
Y yo con la camisa negra
Y tus maletas en la puerta

~ { 1:22 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

I guess Im ready to blog it... and lucky for me i chose to pause to ponder and postphoned it to now, so at least i could think more rationally and be less idiotic and get all worked up for nothing.

Am i surrounded with hypocrites and selfish people? With no manners? No listening ear? We would laugh and be merry around people but in actual fact we are facing a big problem here! Evry one of us. Yess, its every single one of us..and dont you dare count yourselves out just because you guys are older, you are more pious, you guys think you guys are always right! The problem with you guys are ,you listen only to the good and you listen only to yourselves..and if you continue doing that, how are you goin to solve any problem? And why do you have to bother about the societies' problems? Why are you too busy handling strangers, being nice to them, and (what?!!) understand their situation? What about us? US????!! Who are we to you?

Ive tried telling you the problems.. and how we should solve it, but you keep on raking the past. What can the past do? We have to move on and be less condemning. You know how it brings back my painful past on how you treated me like dirt, too embarrassed to acknowledge me. And you even tell me that u tried avoiding ' my area'..afraid i might call you. And afraid the ' society' will see and knw that we know each other. You know how hurt i was when you tell me one day that i have to leave to handle all consequences..to leave.. How many times have you guys cast me away and tell me to leave? How many times have you guys locked me out? If its not for my conscience, i would be a thrash forever.. but Putri changes everything.. She is why im a changed person.Its never because of you guys. You never regarded her. Never. You all hated her. I never tell this to anyone..how you treated me. Ive always sided you. Ive always backed you, cos i know, ive never been good. But Im not her. You cant treat her the same like you treated me. You have to support her. I called you the other day to tell you what's going on. But do you listen? You just rattled on and on, telling me 'she wont change'. 'Its tough'. 'She is a liar.'.and what not. And when i ask you about the kids, you dont seem bothered. Okay, i wouldnt know what's in your heart. Maybe you do care, and pray softly..but i need the actions. Ive told you your mistakes..but you dont get it do you?

Look at your only son. What has he become? He is a dumbasshole, irritating selfish idiot, almost inhuman 'person' ive ever encounter. A creep, a fart-faced moron, jackass, a twat, a dork, a fucktard shithead fucker, imbecile wanker ...grrrrr.....hate him to the core!!! and boy i know he hates everyone around him as madly as how i feel like killing him! Seriously, why is he still like dat after so many years? Why cant you do anything? He is almost retardad and you guys still dont get it. He doesnt know what is the meaning of social ettiquette, courtesy, or what the hell is family ties. Oh yea..maybe its how you teach him. Be nice to outsiders, BUT us. Is dat it? Do you realise how this will harm you? Have you tried at all? Ah...nope.."WE ARE TOO BUSY.". Schedules are pact with meetings, counseling other people, listening to preaches.. its all you, you, you... How selfish can you be?

Look at your precious last gal.. Ive told you how you treated us is wrong and wil always be.. But you said that is your way. Havent you see her changes? Is dat what you are expecting? Dont you guys learn from your mistakes? Or cant you even accept the fact that you guys are even in the wrong?!!

And now, her.. please..before anything happens to her or to her kids..in life or hereafter, please take her with you. Be nice and understand. Is it so hard to be nice? you cant expect her to be decent in a flash. It takes time. Its takes me years.. to fall and pick up..alone, with Allah by my side, and maybe your prayer.. but its cause i have also someone i love who cares and hold my hand. You cant expect the same to happen to her. What if she drowns further? Are we just gonna watch her die? Cant we throw her any life boats? Or reach out our hand to grab her?

I cant do much its all in your hands..(and her..) But hating each other doesnt help settle the problems. You have the potential to be good listener..but too bad, only as a jobscope. To the outsiders. Clear and settle whats in your circle first before you get out to help others. Drop your ego and face value. Drop it. Its really sick. Cos this is the first time i felt that i cant respect you guys as much as i had before, and im totally ashamed of you.

~ { 1:21 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mood tangkap lentoks listenin to malay tunes..i sooooooooo wanna blog about EVERYTHING that's happenin but..ill keep it for later. Its been bottling in me, all mix feelings towards the situation. Mostly of hatred. I dunno, somehow what happens now and how they deal with it seems like it was yesterday how they reacted towards me during those times. And it was harmful. Wrong. And painful. And they are doing it again. The ' I don't care' and 'tak kuasa' attitude they potray. Its all because of face value.. sighs.. ill pour it all out later... Now am just gonna sit back and enjoy lagu lagu Melayu di imeem...

~ { 2:10 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Tadi petang at about 6.35 pm, i managed to capture the cuaca redup outside my window. It was amazingly scary.. especially wif the selang seli of the lightning. Can you the seee the different colours of the clouds? Dark.. and glooomy...at the top.., macam asap volcano...

What a magnificient, beautiful sight, right...? I was imagining a huge thunderstorm hitting on Singapore.. and the buildings in front of me crashing slowly... and i get to capture every detail of the crashing..and then realise.. i go crumbling down after ... and then the ground shaking.. every living thing gets eaten and swallowed underneath....GASP!! takutnyer.. oh yea..i forgot to blog the tym i felt the earthquake from Sumatera. Initially, i thought there was a poltergeist playing around..hahaha, but it was in broad daylight and i was too hungry to be afraid of ghost at that time. *Lunch time..* I saw my pc move and the water from the basins starting to fall over, swaying. And yea, i felt giddy too. But them I knew there must be a slight 'gegaran' in Singapore and it must be caused by neighbouring countries' quakes. That was definitely the first time i experienced it,and it wasnt a very good one. I was afraid the buildings here is gonna collapse, well, even though never of such things happen in Singapore, but there could always be a first time event, and i was really scared! Luckily nothing happened except for that valuable experience..phew..! and now look at that glooomy, dark clouds.. i tell ya..it will add to your depression if u really are in a depressed mood, looking out the window .. and like what Simon Cowell said, " I felt like jumping off the bridge.. cos its sooo glooomy..",hearing the song " I Who Have Nothing." in this blog..

~ { 1:10 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Recipe On A Warm Day For A Pregnanted, Hot Flushed, Domestic Goddess..

* A Banana
* Tub Of Chocolate Ice Cream
* Sprinkle of Nuts (Hazelnuts, almond, whatever u can find..)
* Kernel Corn

A Beautiful Flower-Decorated Bowl to fill in the banana.
Add in Spoonfuls..BIG spoonfuls of chocolate ice cream, sprinkle in a little spoonful of nuts with love..(depending on ur liking..) Lastly add in the corns.
Wala! You got urself a treat to Swenson at the comfort of your own home...yum..

Best of all..u can get ur own second serving at your service, generously, and indulge sinfully adding into your cravings of ice cream at your own time and target.. with no extra price!

Actually ingat nak makan ice cream tu wen da kids are in skool, but id prefer to prepare and eat it together... it just taste better like that..dun u think?

~ { 1:08 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Monday, March 19, 2007

I received an email from biknor dulu2 about the dark side of married life. It says that, men still carry on their social life after marriage, but some women are married to a house, instead of married to a man! Married to a house ie (housewife la tu) is everyday tgk tembok rumah, sapu rumah, kemas rumah, mop rumah, masak, jaga anak, and just have to stay home..No chilling out with frens at a cafe..or window shopping. Just at home. If you have some things nak discuss, sakit ke, pening ke, problems ke, there is no one to talk to cos ur hubby will be bz 24/7. Or when he is home, he needs sleep and rest. And he will sleep the entire day but unless there is a phonecall for him, then he will be wide awake. After dat, sambung tidur. Other than phonecalls, if the wife kejut sure tak bangun. He expects the wife to be at his beck and call for meals and drinks and seldom helps to lessen the burden. Bila ade plans nak keluar, its just wif his frens. Kalau keluar wif family sometimes muke tak happy, cos penat. Nak window shopping pon takde mood. If the wife nak voice out certain things the man will surely highlight" I put the food on the plate.." Or " I'm the only one working here, i give yu the money, u just obey and keep your mouth shut!" Ade ke camtu? Scary rite..What if they are treated likewise? Okla..if u wan the wives to be senonoh macam wife, u know, stay home, masak and all, jaga harta benda, jaga anak..why cant husband too be a good one? Husbands have to be the imam in the fammily. Berapa ramai la suami2 yang solat lima waktu? Imam kan isteri dan anak2? Mengajar ke arah kebaikan? Memimpin keluarga? I guess tak ramai. Suami yang watai ade la ramai..suami yang melepak dengan members ade la ramai.. Im not being prejudice here, but reading the article pains me. Of course to be fair there are wives yang mcm siak jugak..but i guess surely mesti its the guy's fault punyer..(biase sey ..)

Yea i brought this up after i read the article written by wartawan BM, Fadilah A. Majid dated 18Mac 2007 about the typical husband and wife in Singapore. But men in other countries are the ones that do the household chores, cleaning, cooking..etc. Women strictly to look after husband's meals and children. I quote from the artile she wrote, ".. Malah setahu saya tak ada
surah dalam AlQuran yang menegaskan bahawa tugas isteri ialah memasak, mengemas dan berbelanja ke pasar.."You should read the whole article and i totally agree with her. Of course, women should quit complainin if they want pahala, but sometimes the men should be sensitive towards their wife's needs too. They have to show good example to their kids, in being the imam of the family. So the kids will respect them and will follow their parent's footsteps.Like if the husband ringan2 kan tulang membantu isteri, or cakap lembut with the isteri, or simple task like mengimamkan solat, surely its a good example for the kids. With that article, of course byk men yang sarcastic about it, and sure ade yang just skimp through je, malas nak menghayati 'kata2 pujangga' akak wartawan kita tu. Betul tak? I guess its the same issue like how men mempertahankan soal kahwin 4 tu halal but bila part other things associated with agama, they tak ikut pon. Problems that usually occurs is cos women yang tak tahan diduga, like to balas membalas. You know, when their hubby suke keluar wif his frens, the wife pon tak nak kalah. When the hubby taknak jaga anak, the wife pon jaga nak taknak, (tak ikhlas..) when the hubby main kayu tiga, the wife pon feel that they should have an affair. Of course the victims here? The kids.. Bila anak jadi wild, nak salahkan siapa kan? (lol..like bek bek only i merapu kan.. anak Haji Sofwan..mesti la nak pandai berhujah..kekekeke..but its true kan? true la.. )

haiz..whatever la..as long as i live happily ever after.. like a fairy tale...

~ { 5:09 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Kah kah kah...wajah dulu dan sekarang..bole gitu? Sama kan?tak ke?

Sama lah...

Tu la tengah sorang2, watching this Adik Manja on TV1.. i was laughing by myself..
Harun Al-Rashid yang act as Cikgu Azmi tu like sebijik macam Sham kan? Tak puas hati i called him on his mobile..As usual, nak menang pulak tu..said he is more good lookin...kiah kiah kiah.. more ke? sama la..sebijik.. but i think if u wanna compare the Dharma now of course my prince charming is more good looking la.. i think dat actor gained weight kan?and lose some hair? i think so..

Aiyak..so boring..baru nak revive crite tu sorang2, banyak cuts sey..so the potong stim! Top2 dah abis. Most of the parts yang best2 they cut pulak. Puas ati takyah show kan? I know its late at nite and its a Saturday nite, and probably im the one of the minority yang still awake and (what?!) tengok crite kental tu..but have mercy la on these kentals yang nak tgk crite tu..waste tym tau tgk crite yang byk cuts. Irritating. Dah la boring sorang2 kat umah.. baru nak menghayati crite kental tu..haizzz...

Its getting late..but i cant sleep!! Imm sooo bloody sure that im gonna have the post natal blue cos selalu kena tinggal sorang2. Now memang la bole handle but i dun think i can handle the wails and cries of a baby all by myself! Just the thought of it is so depressing. Haiz...

~ { 4:19 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Pretty bored now.. all alone..in an airconditioned room, yet perspiring.. been having these hot flushes lately and boy, i get agitated soooooooo easily, could be prenatal blues? geeez...pre is still quite okay..(i think) but i dunwanna have the post natal one..its pretty scary..especially when i have my kids around..I dunwanna keep throwin tantrums at them. I even got Putri mentally prepared. Told her to stay away from me if i look glum or just dun feel like talking to her. I told her i might shout or be horrid after delivery, or even now..with these hot flushes. As usual, she could take it well, like a matured girl.So as a result of her good behaviour, i decided to give her and me as well as Iim a treat...ICE CREAM! yess...and wif a choc chip bisuit as topping! Goood Mas, my ex colleague who dropped by for some 'business' gave them a can of many many packets of choc chip cookies..and i tot y not dip the biscuit in the ice cream...yummmm!

~ { 3:40 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Saturday, March 17, 2007

I've been changing my blogskin i dunno y.. first its the black- all "You Can't See Me I Don't Exist (Withering In The Garden Of Decay..)", then changed to something black-green sweet girl emotive potrait of "The Rest Is Still Unwritten by AzaleA..", Got bored with it and tried something more gothic and bold.."Im A Good Gurl.." but purple is just not my thingy.. so i change again to something vintage. I guess this one will be permanent.We'll see...

~ { 10:17 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Friday, March 16, 2007

oh yea..dis is also cerita basi..but not way toooo backdated la..dated 7th March, Wednesday..

i had a gathering wif two of my school friends..best buddies, Naz aka Mama Mawar and Suzanna.. (eeiiii i look soo teruk sey..)

Congrats to Mama Mawar, expecting her second child now 5mths pregnant.(her boobs and tummy damn big..lol).*wink* and Suzanna is still doing well..halfway through her course..on phsychology..apart from her boosting Sakura Restaurant business that has been doing well for years.. its good to see you guys doing sooooooo well...

i have soooo much to write actually but i dun feel soo well right now..flu, flams, heaty..i just feel like just stayin in a shower. Yesterday i had to take a cold bath thrice and then just stay in my airconditioned room in the afternoon cos its soooo hot! And i pay a heavy price for dat now my limbs and tummy dun feel sooo good, aching and all. I feel sick, sick, sickk!!! i actually tot i had a ccontraction last nite cos its creating turmoil in my tummy, i cant stand it. Gotta go!

~ { 10:32 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Thursday, March 15, 2007

14th March 2007

Alhamdulillah..you turn 33 this year, and i hope you will forever be mine..cos you have always been the man to hold my hand when i fall.
Stay Handsome, Be Good, Wise, Healthy, Happy With Your Princess AzaleA..and the many kids we have...

Check out the gift he had from David..hehee..ex boss nak mengampu..kekeke..ok la tu..(kasi duit kan bagus..oops..) anyhow..its nice of him to drop by our place to give him that as a gift as well as wishing us the best.Thank You Jess and David!

We went out for dinner yesterday dengan 'mika-mika ni la..(didnt bring cam and tak sempat amik pic kat hp..so i took dis pic of em during raye..) at Lorong Ah Soo.. Oh yea..the 3 dara pingitan is (from left, Ipar, As, Noi), Cik Kasmah and Cik Khamis, Tok Nor..and their many anaks anaks..all so very cute..and aplenty..lol... but i always love their company.

~ { 4:05 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Saturday, March 10, 2007

okay.. today im gonna give a Happy Birthday wish secara 'berjemaah'..hehe.. especially to my loved ones.. All the PISCES IN DA HOUSE!!

4th March
Fikri Rukaini..aka Afiq
Age 11 as at 4th March 2007

Wishing him all the best in his future endeavours, strive to be a better person, achieving his goals, may it be sports or academic. Hopefully he will get the love and care he needs as he grows older and will never forget me, his distant 'mummy'. I will always love him and hope to be able to give him the love and care a mummy would give to a handsome young man like him! muackss!

8th March
Fitri Ruzaini..aka Fitri
Age 12 as at 8th March 2007

Wishing him all the best especially for his PSLE this year.Hopefully he will strive to do well. And yeap..I'm all out for your passion for soccer, cos i know you can play well. I hope you could juggle your time well for both academic as well as sports. I hope that we could spend valuable time together as a family like we used to and give you the love, care and support that you need.'Mummy' will always love you, dear and i hope you know that! muacksss..!

9th March
Sofwan..aka Abah
Age hm..berapa eh? as at 9th March 2007

Wishing you all the best in whatever you do. May you be wiser, more charming, less cynical and more tactful in giving your views towards any issues.hehe..(no pun intended). I hope that you will be always be happy with Mum as well as us kids who never stop giving you headaches..lol. Stay healthy and may Allah bless you. I love you Abah..!! muackss....!!

~ { 3:37 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Thursday, March 08, 2007

This shud be an earlier post..but since i was in no mood to post any thing, its kinda backdated. Nevertheless, Sham caught this mighty big fish at Punggol last Sunday, its a 'Mirror Fish' lol, ikan cermin. I guess this is the biggest fish he caught since i've know him. At first look i thought it was a Luohan Fish, because ada jendul depan. But hey, i'm not a fish smart, (eventhough im a pisces..) and i dun really recognise fish other than maybe, tenggiri or bawal..i mean the fish people catch at sea, i wouldnt know what kind it is. I'll just ask him if it is edible..and he told me, yessss..masak asam pedas power ni..lol..

So..one last pose before a post mortem..haha...macam ikan jendul kan? Muka macam orang pon ade..hensem jugak..kekekeke....see the eyes so fresh kan?

Okay, 'member' pon dah dibersihkan by the fisherman himself.. (lucky tak bersisik like the previous catch he had, remember the ikan tembam pipi? dat one has so much scales on it, and the bones all tajam2.. sampai tercucuk2 jari bila siang ikan tu..and at the end of the day, i had scales all over my hair and shirt..) For this fish, since its big, and im not used to doing 'autopsy' on fish too large for my delicate fingers, i let Sham do the 'post mortem'. So we had Asam Pedas Ikan Cermin the very next day...yumm..!!

~ { 1:43 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Excuse me but i need to AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargrghhhhhhhhhhhhh..............,,!!!, let out a primal scream.

~ { 8:25 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Thursday, March 01, 2007

So i change my skin to purple...hmm..freshens my eye a lil..but i think the previous skin ( as shown) looked much much better kan? How eh? Aiyak..dah tukar nak tukar balik malas sey..

~ { 7:56 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;