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Friday, December 22, 2006

Am still here in cck..wif Azah..weather is much much better...check dis out..gerard sooooooooooo bloooooooooooody handsome..

this song has got nothin to do wif my life or my mum for that matter..just love the hard knocks on it, the sound and tunes and lyrics. Just one of the My Chemical Romance tunes that i dig and lurve..

My Chemical Romance

Mama we all go to hell.
Mama we all go to hell.
I'm writing this letter and wishing you well.
Mama we all go to hell.

Mama we're all gonna die.
Mama we're all gonna die.
Stop asking me questions, I'd hate to see you cry.
Mama we're all gonna die.

And when we go don't blame us, yeah,
We let the fire just bathe us, yeah,
You made us oh so famous
We'll never let you go.
And when you go don't return to me my love.

Mama we're all full of lies.
Mama we're meant for the flies.
And right now they're building a coffin your size.
Mama we're all full of lies.

Well mother what the war did to my legs and to my tongue,
You shoulda raised a baby girl
I shoulda been a better son
If you could counter the infection they can amputate it once
You should’ve been
I could've been a better son.

And when we go don't blame us, yeah,
We let the fire just bathe us yeah,
You made us all so famous,
We'll never let you go.

She said you aint no son of mine.
For what you've done there
You'll find a place for you
And just your mind your manners when you go.

And when you go don't return to me my love,
That's right.

Mama we all go to hell,
Mama we all go to hell,
It's really quite pleasant except for the smell,
Mama we all go to hell.

Mama, Mama, Mama, ohhhh.
Mama, Mama, Mama.

Liza: and just who would call me a sweet heart, I'd maybe then sing you a song

Gerard: But the shit that I've done with this spark of a gun,
You will cry us to rise up alive.

We're dead after all.
Through fortune and fame/blame we fall.
And if you can say that I’ll show you the way
To return from the ashes you crawl.

We all carry on
Like our brothers in arms [who run from…?]
So raise your guns high for tomorrow we die
And return from the ashes you [run? probably not. help?]

~ { 10:27 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Such cold season..just not my type of weather, cos my nose is super sensitive thanks to my beautiful sharp erm..nose.., ill get sinus, blocked nose, flu and all affiliated to nose irritations as well as cramps all over my feet. And talk about nose sensitivity i think its also due to the fact that i was ever bashed at the nose when i was in Secondary School, (time dulu jadi minah metropolitan tsk tsk..)and since then i cant stay in airconditioned room too long.. Now its winter in Singapore (ya rite..seems like it)..i remember wen i visited Snow City.. my nose was all wet, and my jaws got tight..i looked horrible! So i dun wish for snow to fall ever in here..

So yesterday evening i got caught in the rain. There were 5 of us..2 adults 3 kids and an umbrella..so i got drenched eventually and now i don't feel so well. Nothing much we done, just hanging around in Popular Bookstore..( I love the smell and texture of new books and stationaries..always tempted to get new pens, or new diaries, or just basically any stationaries..weird huh..its really a turn on..even better than window shopping for shoes or apparel!) So we get some stationaries, books and a toy. Great pricing after discounts and then got hungry. (i think we spent nearly 2plus hours in the Popular Store..teruk sey..and the best thing is we dun even realised it!)

After that, i decided for McDonalds..(always love the look and smile and exclaimation of delight from the kids whenever i enter any fast food.) My sis got for herself mc spicy and for me 2 large fries, and the 3 lil kids, burgers..( i cant get enuff of Mc's fries..macam nak beli lagi tapau sey..)

Oh yea...im still here stayin wif my mum and sis after celebrating her bday 18 Dec. We anak beranak came on 17 Dec, cos ingat nak buat buku bank and hang around wif Azah..and also that nite, malas nak masak so tot of eating dinner at MUM's (buruk sey bday mak patutnye masakkan mak ni pegi umah mak nak ngecek makan..) So when we reached CCK, my dad pon offer la kita nak gi makan luar tak..fuh langkah kanan betol..my dad and mum kalau ajak makan or ajak belanja means big expense on us..ye la mereke2 kan loaded..) so ape lagi, how can we tolak rezeki kan..so dengan muke tak malu nyer..adik beradik pon makan lah frree..when we offer to pay my dad refused..so bedal je la..BIG SPREAD at CCK RASA SEDAP RESTAURANT.. ade satay, lauk pauks..ikan pari..sayur kangkong...tahu telor..cumi2..fish and chips lagi..kalau kurang order je lagi..BOSS BAYAR..lol..

So they say its not wise to sleep wif ur tummy too full..cos i cant sleep dat nite. I woke up nearly every few hours, at 3, at 4 am, then 5 am..in the end i decided to mandi at 5.15..and pangsai sekali..(perut tak sedap..wakakaka)

So on 18 Dec which is my mum's bday, (dat nite) i present her the jubah i bought and she loves it. Size is just right and she looks great and young in it! So takyah tukar..just nid to cut the length a bit dats all. My dad thinks its gorgeous too..and my sis too.

And while we celebrated her birthday tu ade new crite Dian 3..wah much better then the other Dian's sey. I love the natural way they act out especially Rafaat and the otais actors..tak kaku. I was ready to criticise Rafaat , cos he has always been sceptical and sarcastic and pedas when judging..but i think he did a great job. I never like shows that have proper sentences and language...like Cinta Q or Sembilu..u know how they ask questions in the good right manner and proper sentence..example eh.." Makan lah nak..ini sahaja la yang kita ada untuk hidup.Abah berjanji akan bekerja keras untuk kite sekeluarga..bla bla bla.. like who in real life would say such things? But in Dian kan..when Rafaat feeds his daughter sempoi je acting.." nah amik ni..makan banyak2.. nah ayam (amik ayam) nah sayur...(ceduk sayur) apesal tak amik sambal?" ceh hafal sey skript..

Also like cerite Remp-It..hafal sey skript crite..really love dat show jugak..best best..especially si Spark tu..favourite sey

Anyway...im still stucked here in CCK wif my mum and sis..enjoying life, makan free..lol..as long as its still raining, tak balik la aku...hmm..but look at the weather today..dah cloudy sket..and a lil sun seems to shine..i guess ill be back home tonight. Sure Azah mesti miss me punyer..lol

~ { 10:59 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Friday, December 15, 2006

okay , i feel like speaking rojak today,.. (pardon me la..ari ni mood singlish..)

I still cant stand the smell of perfumes and shower gels..its killing me!! ( I think i stink teruk ar..cos i bathe with shampoo..omigosh.. lol ) whateer, im still so sensitive with smells, and yea, cigarrette smells too..
LAst night we look for birthday and christmas gifts, christmas gift for company and birthday gift for my dearest mak..dis 18 dec, her birthday.We caught sight of this shop owned by a Malay, terpinggir sey in one corner..so we try la masok..not bad, ade baju jubah, then tasbih, songkok, erm , honey, as well as traditional medicines..so i thought maybe i get one jubah for my mum cost $35. It looks good, the kain is also nice, and soft but just a lil bit too long, but i think can tetas' right? I ask that pakcik, if the size 'tak ngam' can change? he said ok..so we agreed to pay. Maybe i ll get her another thing tomorrow. Takut dat baju not to her taste..but i think its attractive..
Cuma one funny thing kan yesterday, while we satu family go for domestic shopping kat Shop and Save after we cari gifts and presents..i stop to erm..look at durians. LOL dulu nak jalan lalu pon terpaksa tutup idung sey.. dis tym so daring siap tunjuk2 durian pegang2 lagi..wakakakakaka..) Gulp, yea..i never like durians, the smell of it always makes me go dizzy but yesterday kan when i look at the durian ( yang dah kopek tu..) macam sexy je durian tu..and i feel like having a bite at it. So..after we manage to get the right price, we grab that 3 boxes ( dah la tak makan dulu, sekali2 beli sampai 3 kotak siak..) .

Reaching home, i felt giddy a lil, i dunno if its my pregnancy symptoms or is it the durians ..but i really cant wait to eat em.. first bite, mm..not bad..second and then i tried finishing the seed (it was huge to me la..) and i cant lick it clean like my sayang did. OKla...second seed, rase pahit sket..but still ok..after that piece, i cud smell my breathe stinks like hell and i think i better stop eating em. terus mabuk sey pengsan lepak after that.Hahaha..funy eh, makan durian macam kena subutex pulak..but i like the taste though. Thanks to my baby, my tekak feel like eating durian, so i can proudly declare that ive eaten and liked durian..maybe just for now la..lol..the last box is still in the freezer, sengaja letak freezer (wrapped 3 plastic bags tight ) cos i dun wan my fridge to smell durian, ill eat that later tonite, if i can, lol, while i can tho...its not that bad after all..

Still i have to wake up with such a heavy head..

~ { 1:31 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I just had egg sandwich with tarta sauce and thai chili padi sauce with cheese...yum..and right now, i have sauce on mmy shirt and pants and lol on the carpet floor.You know how u tend to bite into your sandwich and let the sauce oozed out and you have to lick your fingers and hand and ur face..its just all over. I tend to eat 'comot' like that..tastes better..haha..

Few days back i got a call from mum reminding me to read their will. She has been talking to me about their Will And Testament.I told her im not interested yet. My dad ever shove that paper to my face one night for me to read but i just put it back in their room, without flipping one page. I told him, you still have 10 more years to shove that paper at me, there is still time..He gave me a wink and just smile. My mum just laughed and told me its just soemthing you need to know now or later, keep you prepared. I said okay, ill read it when the time arise.

Sigh sigh... it really pained me. I cant imagine when the time really comes. We are just not prepared to be united to prepare for it. Look at my elder brother..just look at him. Im totally disgusted by his behaviour, i can never relate to him, he is a nutcase, a totally good for nothin, he is not even close to being human! i can go on.. but i guess i hate to even include him in here, itll just urgh..dirty the page..

~ { 4:31 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Last nite i had a very bad dream..and i remembered crying so hard when i woke up in the middle of the night i think it was 3 plus in the morning. I remembered someone close to me died a terrible death, it felt sooo real that when i even realize it was just a horrible nightmare, i sat up and cried to my hearts content before i doze back to sleep.

Today i woke up with such a heavy head..i dont feel so well, my nose was stuck with mucus and i could hardly breathe. I had to drag myself up cos its already nearly lunch time.

And today i learn i have to be selfish for my own sake, if i cant help you, i must say No! i cant..I have been doing favours i know sometimes i know im unable to accomplish it the way it shud be. I know you guys dont understand what im blabbering about.

I have to go.

~ { 1:52 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Survey AGAIN (ripped by eeda)

1. How old you wish you were?

2. Where were you when 911 happened?
hmm..at home watchin the news.

3. What do you do when vending machine steals your money?
What Singaporeans do best -COMPLAIN (with caps on)

4. Do you count yourself kind?
to err is human, i believe i have many flaws and can be unkind

5. If you had to get a tatoo, where would it be?
i hate tatoos, NEVER will i get myself tatooed even if there is a law to make one

6. If you could be fluent in any other language,what would it be?
Arabic, InsyaAllah..

7. Do you know your neighbours?

8. What do u consider a vacation?
Lots of good food and enuff sleep

9. Do you Follow your horoscope?

10. Would you move for the person you love?

11. Are you touchy feely?
at times

12. Do you believe that opposites attract?
i do..

13. Dream job?
graphic designer, songwriter

14. Favourite place to go on weekends?
clubbing, chilling, swimming, rock climbing..(did i say rock climbing??!!..Lmfao)

15. Showers or Baths?

16. Do you paint your nails?

17. Do you trust people easily?

18. What are your phobias?
cockroaches and flying insects as well as birds

19. Do you keep a handwritten journal?
when i was younger

20. Where would you rather be right now?
lying in the pool

21. Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy?
i prefer the blanket

22. Heavy or Light sleeper.

23. Are you paranoid?

24. Are you impatient?

25. Who can you relate to?
Many people, no one in particular

26. How do you feel about interracial couples?
fine with me..

27. Have you been burned by love?

28. What's your favourite pick-up line?
hmm..not sure

29. What's your main ringtone on your mobile phone?

30. What were you doing last midnight?
surf the net

31. What did the last text on your cellphone say?

32. Whose bed did you sleep on last?

33. What colour shirt are you wearing?
red, white, green, orange, pink,black checked shirt

34. Most recent movie you watched?
Happy Feet..

35. Name three things you have on you all times?
all times? contact lenses, body/hair lotion, clear conscience..

36. What colour are your bedsheets?

37. How much cash do you have right now?
not much left, i dun wanna know..

38. What is your favourite part of the chicken?
The skin.

39. What's your favourite town?
Never been any further than Indonesia, so best is still Singapore Town..

40. I can't wait till....
baby's out..

41. What did you have for dinner last night?
RIce with 'sambal goreng', eggs, fish, potatoes, and oranges..

42. Do you own a gun?

43. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Cereal Milk or Soya Bean...

44. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years time?
no idea..

45. Last thing you ate?
vege soup..

46. What songs do you sing in the toilet?
i dun sing in the toilet...

47. Last thing that made you laugh?
watching a solo concert by singer Ella show on tv and spotted the audiences sitting there motionless as though they attending a lecture instead..so dumb

48. Worst injury you ever had?
knee cut..it got worst when the blood go through my pants and i cant get my pants out when the blood dried up...sooo painful (okay i was dumb enuff to cover my injury in long pants at that time..)

49. Does someone have a crush on you?
i think so..

50. Whats your favourite candy?
no favourite, i take all

51. What song do you want to be played at your funeral?
Don't you dare sing at my funeral!! I will haunt you..

52. Four Random People to do this.

Sis Azalea, Nurul Zubaidah a.k.a Lil MK, Raihanah, Maisarah..

~ { 5:49 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

this is the skin i used before dis one, loved it but has problems wif da mp3, cudnt get it work rite, like i cant for forward, rewind, or even pause it so...anyways, ill stick to dis fresh black green colour..

gotta ciao..oh yea..i got ALL the OST for HAPPY FEET thanks to my dearest sis Azah. Great tunes, u gota watch Happy Feet ...sooo cute sey..

ok..gotta clean the house

~ { 4:53 PM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

something creepy happened to me last Saturday nite..02122006..while watching 'Antara Dua Hati' on Suria...(cute sey Raja Ema dat tym..) i received many missed calls not on hp but my residential phone which is a private number.Missed calls ie, a call and then stop.After dat, another few rings and then stop.It was like nearly midnite bout 11 plus and i suspected it be Nana cos she always gives me missed calls for me to col her back but nope, she told me she was outside on a roadshow.Okay..i guess wrong number.THEN the creepy part.I received a message via residential number and it says "you have received a message from 9750****...message is " I NEED YOU". i was stunned.who the fish was dat?ok so i called back dat number to MAKE SURE and wanna know the gender of the caller.It hung up. I called again and again and again and again. It hung up on me. Coincidentally my lil sis was around so i asked her to try calling.Miracly (is there such a word?) that guy finally answered and it asked her back "uh? uh?" i quickly took the phone from her and speak and asked him.He bluntly asked me back in Malay i think (cos he sound drunk, or trying to change his voice by staggering or i was just plain deaf in shock) "looking for who?"

So it seems..maybe dat sucker got the wrong number so i just ignore.BUT his game doesnt end there.I received more missed calls with a ring.And then few rings and stop.By then it was midnight and it was really scary.So i tot y dun i message him.(stoopid me) cos maybe he feels more comfortable typing messages. I typed or rather asked my sis to type cos i used her hp something like dis "I received ur msg saying u need me.Who is this ?" Minutes after dat, we stood aghast at his reply which said, "i need you really bad.." Was he out of his mind???!!By then i suspect he must be someone who got bored on Saturday nite trying to figure out ways to interact wif some stranger for sex at nite cos his pc was jammed so he cant do chatting..and my residential number happens to be his struck lottery.OK. Sounds like an ideal reason. so we heaved a big sigh and then we tot ..what shud we reply? We wrote, " Why do u need me? Do i know you at all? " we played along.. Minutes after dat, he boldly replied ..ok this tyme let me get his exact words right..." PLEASE COME TO ME I NEED TO USE YOUR HOLE .." omigosh. I got a premonition of impending danger i've put myself into.Okay, to console ourselves i told my sis., maybe he is with a bunch of frens, trying to spice up their weekend and they are harmless creatures, now laughing at each other, cracking their heads up trying to spook us. We replied a short " Sorry we dunno u , u got the wrong person." and then wish for the best. It doesnt seem to end there. GULP. It made us jumped wen the phone rang, breaking the evil silence, as he called my residential phone again with multiple 1 ring. When he finally i get to answer the call after a long ring, i got another message. "you have received a message from 9750****...message is " DON'T PLAY WITH ME COS I KNOW YOU" By then i know i shudnt have responded in the first place, we decided its time for bed. Tucked under our blanket, we prayed he will give up calling. The night seems endless or rather the midnite near morning is endless i wish it will be daylight soon. I was soooooooooooo afraid, really. While in bed, we diverted our attention on other things and not dat pervert. But he continued giving missed calls. I was getting impatient, i went out and hung the phone. It worked for a while. There was peace. eventually. Phew... Afer a while, i decided to put the phone back to normal, and then "
KKKKKKRRRRIIINGGGGG.....!!!!!!!" boy, it really made me jumped and i remember letting out a lil scream followed by a curse. Another message that ultimately made me wanna break down and cry. "you have received a message from 9750****...message is " TAMPINES POLY..."............................

It is also not possible for any of my poly frens to get hold of dis number of mine, cos no .1 i changed my number 2. Ive lost contact on ALL of em, really. 3. Ive MOVED. 4. Its a private number. Again, i think., this maniac is a lucky arsehole who cud hit a nail anytime on anything he wants he shud get himself a 4D. sighs...sighs... i decided then, its better i hung the phone till morning. It worked, and til today now, 05122006, he got off my back.NO CALLS, NO MESSAGES, just wish me luck, pray he got tired, and i hope he really really got the wrong person.


Okay, actually i wanna continue blabbering in here and its not about something spooky, its HAPPY feet. Yeayyy..i watched Happy Feet 04122006, 8.55pm show at Golden Village Yishun and lol..i truly enjoyed it so much. Am gonna find the OST of the Happy Feet cos all the songs in there sounds sooo cool. Lmfao..ill talk about it later.Or tomorrow. Right now I need to massage my fingers...

~ { 8:06 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;

Friday, December 01, 2006

some survey i gotta do for ma sis...
1. Single,Taken or Crushing?
Taken and Crushing can? Lol..

2. Are you happy with your life now?
Couldnt be BETTER..i guess

3. When you meet the right person would you fall for him/her fast?
I fall in love easily..

4. Have you had your heart broken?
As much as i broke ppl's heart, yea..

5. Do you believe there are circumstances where cheating love is acceptable ?
Used to

6. Would you talk to someone back if he/she cheats on you ?
I wont talk --- ill just WALK AWAY

7. Have you talk to another person about marriage before ?
before what? Lmfao...

8. Do you want children ?
Y not

9. How many?
As many as i could manage..

10. Would you consider adoption ?
NOPE with Caps on.

11. If someone likes you right now , what do you think will let you know his/her feeling ?
When he starts to get on my back..pisses me more..controlling me..asking me more than he is suppose to know..sighs..

12. Do you enjoy getting into relationships ?
Actually not really..i just love being in courtship

13. Be honest . What did you and your ex did ?
Which Ex?

14. Do you believe in love at first sight ?
So believe in it

15. Are you romantic ?
Yes i am..

16. Do you believe you can change someone ?
I believe and done

17. Do you easily give in when you're fighting ?
Sometimes when i get tired of it..yea..

18. Do you have feelings for someone right now ?

19. If you could marry somewhere , where would it be ?
Just home with ur many friends, relatives and family - never wish for dat 'marry somewhere else' kinda thing..

20. Have you ever wish you could have someone but you messed it up ?
I couldnt say, I may be wrong - let's just believe in fate (Darn did i say dat?!)

21. Have you broken a heart ?
A plenty (see Q no.4)

22. One day if your best friend fall in love with he/she that you are deeply in love with , what would you do ?
Ill ask dat guy im deeply in love in if he prefers me or y best fren.If he chooses me, ill ask my best fren if he loves him and ask her what wud she do if dat guy loves someone else. If she tells me dat its impossible cos dat guy has express love for my her, ill say bye bye to dat guy and keep my fren. It shows how pathetic guys are and its not worth keeping a liar like him.

23. Are you missing someone right now ?

Now you have to ask your friends to do this survey on their blog. Write down their names below.
Tag them in their blog to let them know and DON'T stop doing this survey.

This survey has been going around , it makes people occupied.Get started and the 5 lucky people are ;

1. Raihanah
2. Sis Azalea

3. Ira

4. Eliyana

5. Cuzzie Esty

~ { 12:33 AM }
vintage.. classical beauty..;